State secretary: EU wants biggest migrant ghetto in Hungary
Brussels’ proposal on mandatory migrant settlement quotas would establish the European Union’s “biggest migrant ghetto” in Hungary, the interior ministry state secretary said on Saturday.
Bence Rétvári told MTI that the proposal would require Hungary to assess 28.3 percent of all refugee applications from migrants arriving in the EU. Germany would have to process just 1.4 percent, France 2 percent and Sweden 0.2 percent of the applications, he added.
Hungary would have to maintain an apparatus capable of assessing 11,320 applications simultaneously, resulting in the presence of “tens of thousands” of illegal migrants in the country, Rétvári said.
“Hungary will not accept mandatory quotas, the threat of fines or the establishment of migrant camps,” he added
He noted that 98 percent of participants in a referendum in 2016, some 3.3 million people, had said “no” to mandatory resettlement quotas. He also faulted Brussels for “breaking its own rule” when the decision on the mandatory quotas was taken by qualified majority rather than consensus.
“We won’t let the EU decide on whom we’ll allow into our country,” Rétvári said. “That can be decided only by Hungarians, not the bureaucrats in Brussels,” he added.
He said refugee applications should be assessed outside of the EU, because once illegal migrants entered the EU it was “practically impossible” to deport them.
Rétvári’s Facebook post on the matter:
Remember Hungary in 2015, a time before the border wall. Pictures and videos are available on the net. People should check these references before admitting 1 so called refugee. According to the Dublin Regulation, once a refugee crossed into a safe country, that person is no longer a refugee but can be classified as a migrant.
Then there was Cologne, Germany, hundreds of females complained of sexual molestation. This was only the start. Criminal statistics show that statistically migrants commit a higher % of crime than the local population. Because a large % the Arab influx was untrained and illiterate, 35% of migrants are still unemployed, living on government handouts from 2015.
During this time “no go zones” were established where the local population, mail carriers, ambulances and even police were afraid to enter. Bomb making is flourishing in these areas. A good example is Malmoe, Sweden.
There were terrorist attacks as the result of open borders, 2015 in Paris and Brussels, 2017 Manchester. The death toll was high.
As time passes, The EU population hoped that the migrants would assimilate. This did not occur. Paris and other French cities are burning, stores looted, and riots continue. All because the police killed a 17-year-old criminal. Instead of blaming the criminal, unassimilated blame the government and the police. It is not up to the government to integrate people. It is up the newcomers to integrate, learn the language, history of their new home.
EU’s immigration policy encourages smugglers, and smugglers are thriving. Most EU borders are unprotected. Yes, Hungary released 700 smugglers, there was no point in keeping them in jail because the EU policies have encouraged them and keep doing so. Greece finally realized that there is no end to this mess, erected a border and doing its best to keep illegal migrants out.
There is a legal way to enter the EU. All the people have to do is go to the Consulate of their desired new home, fill out appropriate forms and wait for a favorable reply. The migrants rather illegally invade a country then gain legal entry.
The death toll is rising. The lates accident was off the coast of Greece where hundreds of would-be illegal migrants drowned. This tragedy is repeated over and over again. The illegal migrants pay thousands of Euros to illegally enter the EU.
Hungary managed to stay out of this mess, thanks to Prime Minister Orban’s policies. The Prime Minister held a referendum and the people have spoken; the people do not want uneducated, probable criminals in their country. Austria, to protect itself closed the Hungarian/Austrian border. Denmark and Belgium also expressed that their countries have had enough.
Most EU countries signed the Dublin Regulation. It is time to enforce that agreement and stop the illegal migrants from entry. Only a few countries’ citizens are eligible for refugee status. If any EU country want illegal migrants, they should take them but stop pawning them on countries whose population will not accept or support these criminals.
De EU wil Hongarije straffen omdat ze terecht al jaren weigeren om goudzoekers die Europa overspoelen binnen te laten!
@mariavonteheresa – the usual misleading and exaggerated claims, however … Adhere to the Dublin Declaration? We would need to take back people who applied for asylum further afield, but entering the EU through Hungary. Therefore, our Politicians decided to practically disapply the Dublin Declaration in 2015… The Declaration is somewhat dysfunctional, hence the proposed overhaul (which includes burden sharing).
Our Politicians, citing “national sovereignty”, love going things alone as the European Union is increasingly working towards shared responsibility and solidarity. The latter seems to be working:
Also a nice one regarding Mr. Putins unveiled threats and the EU response (as opposed to our Politicians solo venture):
Norbert, name one fact that I stated was incorrect or exaggerated?