

Hungarian opposition to file criminal complaint on suspicion of misuse of EU funds

"It can now clearly be proven that the government of Viktor Orbán is the sole reason why EU funds are being withheld from Hungary," #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #EUfunding

Hungarian man injured in 2006 street clashes laid to rest

His demand for compensation was rejected in early 2007.... #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary

Latest poll: War and crisis? Orbán and Fidesz can’t fail

Fidesz could win another huge victory in the next European Parliament elections

Brussels conducts ‘self-destructive’ sanctions policy?

Brussels' policy of sanctions is "ill-advised and self-destructive", Tamás Deutsch, the head of ruling Fidesz's EP delegation, said #Hungary #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #sanctions #Fidesz #EuropeanUnion #EU

DK shadow cabinet ‘ready to govern’

"We are ready for government and prepared to lead Hungary out of a crisis generated by Viktor Orbán"

Fidesz: Brussels corruption scandal decade’s biggest

The corruption scandal in Brussels is "the biggest such scandal" of the decade with left wing politicians in it, a party member said. #hungary #dailynewshungary #fidesz #brussels

Government will represent Hungarians’ interest in Brussels with due force

The National Consultation survey will help the government represent Hungarians' interest in Brussels with due force #Hungary #Hungarian #Fidesz #EU #EuropeanUnion

Toiletgate broke out in Budapest: preparation for the 2024 elections?

So many things can be debated during an election campaign, but in Hungarian politics, the most important thing seems to be a public toilet. #dailynewshungary #Hungary #Budapest #toilet #campaign

Fidesz politician: There are pro-war and pro-peace positions in the EU

Deutsch said those 'pro-war' deny reality, and those 'pro-peace' use facts as a basis. #hungary #dailynewshungary #fidesz #war #europeanunion

Ruling parties: unprecedented attack has been launched on Hungary’s financial system

Ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat parties filed a criminal complaint concerning messages suggesting that individuals' bank deposits were "in danger" #Hungary #Hungarian #government #finance #economy #dailynewshungary

Opposition Jobbik: Fidesz is risking Hungary’s EU funds

Fidesz should not risk losing Hungarian EU funds which "belong to Hungarian citizens", Brenner Koloman of Jobbik said. #hungary #dailynewshungary #jobbik #fidesz #eufunds #europeanunion #money

Fidesz MEP compares EU’s rule of law procedure to domestic violence

As unbelievable as it may sound, Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch compared what is going on in the EU to domestic violence. #hungary #dailynewshungary #eu #fidesz

Fidesz MP turns to audit office over opposition’s foreign funding

"More worrying details have emerged about the foreign financing of the left," #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary

Hungarian minister met with the leader of the Hungarian-hater, far-right SNS in Slovakia

Péter Szijjártó visited Slovakia to meet politicians and many important public figures, such as the leader of the far-right SNS. #dailynewshungary #Hungary #Slovakia #foreign affairs

UNICEF supports Ukraine refugees in Debrecen

The Hungarian office of UNICEF's Regional Ukrainian Refugee Programme will provide EUR 1.2m support to the city of #Debrecen

Fidesz MPs propose resolution to denounce ‘political pressure’ against Hungary

Through adopting the statement, the Hungarian parliament could reject blackmail by #Germany and the #Netherlands

Hungarian opposition: EU subsidy advances should be taken back from Fidesz billionaires

The government regularly makes advance payments using taxpayers' monies for projects funded by the EU even before the transfer arrives in the budget. #hungary #dailynewshungary #money #fidesz #eu #funding

The youth arm of Orbán’s party held congress

Fidelitas is Hungary's biggest, strongest and most active political youth organisation, prime ministerial commissioner Zsolt Nyitrai said. #Hungary #Fidesz #Fidelitas #congress

Opposition party believes Orbán conducts an irrational war against Brussels

The opposition Párbeszéd party on Friday slammed government policy, saying the government conducts irrational war with Brussels #Hungary #Hungarian #Párbeszéd #dailynewshungary #EU #EuropeanUnion

Socialists: Approval of rule-of-law legislation ‘Fidesz farce’

The government parties' approval of rule-of-law legislation requested by the European Commission is part of a ruling "Fidesz farce" #Hungary #Fidesz #EU #Eufunds #Socialists