guest workers


Draft regulation in Hungary: foreign workers can only stay if they are familiar with Hungarian culture

Would you be able to pass the exam for foreign workers? #work #foreignworkers #regulation #exam

Uncovering foreign presence: Regulations and statistical insights on immigration in Hungary

Immigration, in its myriad forms, often takes a backseat amidst the glare of illegal migration, propelled by political agendas. Delving into the statistics, what insights do the numbers offer about the foreign population in Hungary and how is the migration process regulated? #EU #Regulations #Migration

Tens of thousands of guest workers cannot enter Hungary: large investments in trouble

Tens of thousands of guest workers cannot enter Hungary because their submitted appeals have not been evaluated: investments may stop #economy #guestworker #nonEU #Indonesia #Philipines #Vietnam #Ukraine #Serbia

Hungarian government introduces new law for companies with foreign workers

This is controversial, as the Hungarian government has just taken action to protect Hungarian jobs, following reports that several manufacturing companies are moving into Hungary and are laying off Hungarian workers while employing workers from the Far East. #Hungariangovernment #informationtechnology #work #guestworkers #law

Jobbik-Conservatives protests against import of guest workers

The parliamentary group of the opposition Jobbik-Conservatives party on Monday held a protest against the import of foreign guest workers to Hungary in front of the […]

Foreigners replace Hungarian workforce in Hungary

Foreign workers increasingly replace Hungarian counterparts across various sectors. Even if they are not cheaper, they still possess advantages. #workforce #economy #crisis #investment #Asia #SouthKorea #Vietnam #Indonesia #Phillipines

New Orbán cabinet restriction: you cannot work in 300 jobs in Hungary as a foreigner!

The Hungarian government banned foreign employees from more than 300 jobs in Hungary and reduced the number of guest worker permits. #government #economy #labourshortage

120 thousand guest workers in Hungary, Gyurcsány’s DK outraged – UPDATED

Gyurcsány' DK on Tuesday called for an immediate ban of the "unlawful import" of guest workers from outside the European Union. #EU #migration #guestworker #EuropeanUnion

Szeged residents outraged by Chinese company seeking property in Hungary

"Last Friday, three Chinese guys were here. They were drone-driving, and when I started talking to one of the neighbours, they came to ask about available houses for sale or rent," shared a Szeged resident. #Szeged #China #investment #BYD

Hungarian workers getting replaced with foreigners?

An opposition party is worried #MiHazánk #economy #worker

Number of Filipino workers in Hungary revealed

Filipino workers are in high demand within the labour market. #labourmarket

Guest workers to drive buses between Budapest city centre and Budapest Airport?

Before, Ambrus Kiss, one of Budapest's deputy mayors, excluded that they would employ foreign workforce at Budapest-owned companies #Budapest #travel #bus #transport #Phillipine

Breaking: Hungarian parliament adopts law on guest workers

Under the law, guest workers may enter the country only in numbers not exceeding the number of vacancies, and their stay may not exceed three years. #labourmarket #guestworkers

Orbán government fills the labour market with thousands of Asian workers, despite propaganda

It is nothing new that the Orbán government is trying to turn Hungary into one of the world's biggest battery powers. But who are working in these factories? #guestworkers #labour #battery

Hungarian workers cannot be expelled from Continental’s factory in Hungary, says Minister Nagy

Minister to @Continental: "Hungarian jobs belonged to Hungarians"

Hungarian workers train guest workers then get fired from Hungarian factory? – UPDATE

According to the labour union, the local management seeks to heighten worker vulnerability.. #Continental #Makó #labourmarket

Underpaid guest workers employed in Budapest instead of Hungarians?

The employment of guest workers who mainly come from third countries outside the EU has been prevalent in Hungary. #guestworkers #labour #economy