guest workers


What Are The Job Prospects For English Speakers In Hungary?

Flourishing economy presents a lot of opportunities for English speakers in Hungary:

Unforeseen: Hungarian guest workers are leaving Austria – here is why

Why do you think Hungarians are leaving Austria? #labour #work #austria #hungarians

Foreign workers at Wolt Hungary: courier and restaurant manager chime in – and they are not happy

A former courier and a restaurant manager paint a gloomy picture about delivery people. What are your experiences with foreign workers at Wolt Hungary?

Wolt in Hungary exposed: Is the food delivery sector really filled with guest workers?

What are your experiences with Wolt in Hungary? Have you ever encountered any difficulties when receiving your order? Let us know in the comments 💬

Guest workers: new law may simplify Chinese and Russian immigration to Hungary

Several proposals were submitted to the parliament that would simplify the employment process of guest workers in Hungary: #guestworkers #labour #employment

SHOCKING: Hungary’s guest worker numbers exposed!

The Ministry of Economy stated that, based on their data, there are currently 120,000 guest workers in Hungary. However, recent statistics from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) present significantly lower figures. What's the actual number then? #Guest #Workers #Statistics #Government

Highly-skilled Hungarian workforce fleeing the country – cause for concern?

Despite the availability of 70,000 unfilled jobs, many in the Hungarian workforce try their luck abroad due to higher real wages and better living conditions - a trend that poses serious consequences for the economy.

Striking it rich: Guest workers paid millions in Hungary?

In January 2024, at least an estimated 100,000 guest workers were in Hungary. In many cases, their monthly salary reaches millions of forints. #guestworkers #labour

Why are middle-class Chinese moving to Hungary and do they speak English there?

The migration of middle-class Chinese families to Hungary represents a fascinating chapter in a globalized world:

New Hungarian regulation would ban guest workers’ employment in more jobs

The Prime Minister's Cabinet Office is drafting a new decree regarding foreign employees and the positions they would be prohibited from holding in Hungary. #economy #labourmarket #guestworker #job #employment

Filipino bus drivers in Budapest: the latest announcement

Find the latest important announcement concerning foreign workers on BKK lines below: #labour #budapest #bkk

Hungary tightened sanctions regarding foreign workers, new amendments are coming

The new modifications aim to safeguard Hungarian workers from getting replaced by foreign workers. #foreigners #workforce #labour

Filipino guest workers’ salaries in Hungary revealed

Filipino guest workers in Hungary often make more in factories here than they would in high-skilled jobs at home.

The shocking reason behind companies choosing guest workers over Hungarian labour

In recent years, Hungary has experienced a surge in the arrival of foreign guest workers, primarily from Asia, which caused widespread moral unease. Why are companies choosing guest workers over Hungarian labour? #Work #Foreign #Labour #Government

MKIK head: foreign guest workers should be employed in a regulated way to strengthen the economy

According to MKIK head, more jobs can be created by employing foreign guest workers. But as unemployment is very low in Hungary, more guest workers will be needed:

Non-EU citizens can apply for Hungarian Card, 65 thousand guest workers may come

Non-EU guest workers will flood Hungary in 2024, and the country awaits qualified professionals, as well. #EuropeanUnion #labourshortage #labourmarket #work #job #guestworker

Hungarian CEOs’ surprising experiences with foreign workers

What are Hungarian business leaders afraid of? What are their experiences with foreign workers? Do CEOs want the euro? Read below to find out: #business #investment #currecy #labour

Draft regulation in Hungary: foreign workers can only stay if they are familiar with Hungarian culture

Would you be able to pass the exam for foreign workers? #work #foreignworkers #regulation #exam

Uncovering foreign presence: Regulations and statistical insights on immigration in Hungary

Immigration, in its myriad forms, often takes a backseat amidst the glare of illegal migration, propelled by political agendas. Delving into the statistics, what insights do the numbers offer about the foreign population in Hungary and how is the migration process regulated? #EU #Regulations #Migration

Tens of thousands of guest workers cannot enter Hungary: large investments in trouble

Tens of thousands of guest workers cannot enter Hungary because their submitted appeals have not been evaluated: investments may stop #economy #guestworker #nonEU #Indonesia #Philipines #Vietnam #Ukraine #Serbia