Hungarian workers getting replaced with foreigners?
Opposition Mi Hazánk labour expert János Lantos condemned on Friday that “Hungarian workers are getting fired and replaced with foreigners” throughout the country.
He told a press conference that government claims about foreigners only getting employed for jobs that cannot be filled by Hungarians were untrue. He added that multinationals were “importing masses of guest workers in an organised way to Hungary”.
“In practice, masses of Hungarian workers get fired and anti-Hungarian discrimination is evolving,” he said. He added that Hungarians were becoming “second-rate employees”, with many companies employing them only as rent workers.
Lantos called for making it mandatory that labour hire agencies ensure the same rights to their employees as to those “employed in the traditional way”.
Read also:
- Number of foreign workers in Hungary booms – Read more HERE
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I dont understand this government. Fidesz doesnt want immigrants, but with the new guess workers laws they just approved in previous days, they want to bring cheap asian workforce, then we have this kind of news to set more fire and make Hungarian population more angry and fearful of immigrants. I would say fear is just a tool to win elections, but i really hope that voters can see how Cinikus can be this government. I just found this website trying to make a request to stop the new laws. So what do hungarians want?
There is no benefit to Hungarians if you create factories and bring in foreign labour to run them and in the process create huge environmental degradation for the local residents. The benefit is to whoever in Fidesz is getting a slice of the profit with the signed contracts that are state secrets for 30 years. They don’t give a rat’s arse for the people.