Hungarian healthcare system

Monkeypox – new cases recorded in Hungary!

Hungary hospital doctor healthcare monkeypox

The number of monkeypox infections identified in Hungary has increased to six, Hungary’s health authority (NNK) said on Thursday.

New cases include a 37-year-old man living in Somogy County, in south-west Hungary, and two men in Budapest aged 39 and 33, NNK said in a statement.

All three persons contacted their local health services with typical symptoms. They are in a satisfactory condition with no need for hospital care, but are isolating at home.

Hungary’s first case of monkeypox was recorded at the end of May.

Read alsoBreaking news: Monkeypox detected in Hungary

Coronavirus – 24 died last week, 1,646 new infections

Koronavírus Coronavirus Covid-19

Fully 24 people with Covid-19 symptoms died last week, while 1,646 new infections were registered, said in a weekly release of data on Wednesday.

Altogether 6,410,533 people have been vaccinated, with 6,197,127 having received a second jab, 3,879,935 a third, and 301,588 a fourth.

The number of active infections went down to 21,821, while hospitals are caring for 292 Covid-19 patients, of whom are intubated on a ventilator.

Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 1,921,486 people have been officially confirmed as having contracted the virus, while the number of deaths has risen to 46,571. Fully 1,853,094 people have made a recovery.

Source: MTI

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Former chief medical officer Ferenc Falus dies

Ferenc Falus

Former chief medical officer Ferenc Falus died in the early hours of Tuesday.

A pulmonologist by profession, Falus headed Budapest’s NyírÅ‘ Gyula Hospital, establishing Hungary’s first department to cure gaming addicts, the Budapest Mayor’s Office said in a statement, expressing condolences to the family.

He served as Hungary’s chief medical officer from 2007 to 2010.

“Falus’s moral and professional integrity was beyond doubt. Even after his retirement he fought for the health of Hungarians and contributed to elaborating Budapest’s defence strategy during the coronavirus pandemic,” the statement said.

Featured image: Ferenc Falus on a discussion organized by Dialogue for Hungary in 2017.

Source: MTI

hospital hungary
Read alsoOpposition DK slams govt for ‘pushing health care to the brink of ruin’

Opposition DK slams govt for ‘pushing health care to the brink of ruin’

hospital hungary

The opposition Democratic Coalition said on Tuesday that the government had “pushed health care in Hungary to the brink of ruin”, with nearly 60,000 people on waiting lists for operations, 18,000 for cataract surgery, and some 20,000 for hip and knee replacements.

Citing as the source for the figures, DK lawmaker Zoltán Komáromi told an online press conference that the government had been steadily shrinking the sector’s funding for the past 12 years and “forcing overworked doctors and nurses to leave the profession”.

He accused the government of “downgrading health care to a sub-department of the interior ministry”,

adding that this signalled the government had no intention of tackling problems in the Hungarian healthcare system.

Inflation: opp party wants wage compensation, payrise programme in public sector


The green LMP party on Sunday called for immediate wage compensation and a mid-term pay rise programme for public sector employees because of inflation.

Máté Kanász-Nagy, the party’s co-leader, told a press conference that average inflation is close to 9 percent according to the latest data published by the Central Statistical Office earlier this week.

Inflation has hit its highest level in the past 20 years,

he said.

This particularly affects public sector employees, who have lower average incomes than those working in the private sector and spend a higher portion of their income on food, he said.

Kanász-Nagy cited the prices of some food products as examples. He said

the price of margarine increased by 38 percent from a year earlier, and the price of bread and poultry rose by almost 30 percent.

He said inflation had a twofold effect, arguing that it hit lower-income earners while the state had more revenue from value added tax, giving the government room for manoeuvre to offset the price increases.

He urged an immediate wage compensation of at least the inflation rate, that is close to 10 percent, for public sector workers, adding that a mid-term pay rise programme should also be launched for them to reduce the income gap with private sector employees.

Hungary debt money economy
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Hungary helps this Central-American country with 30,000 rapid tests!

Hungary Cuba health antigen tests

Hungary is sending 30,000 antigen test kits and 120 pieces of medical equipment to Cuba in the coming days, the foreign minister said on Saturday.

Péter Szijjártó said in a video posted on Facebook that coronavirus still posed a great challenge in Cuba.

Hungary, he noted, has been helping out in many cases, most recently sending test kits to Moldova, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Somalia and the Philippines.

Hungary’s government is also sending anesthesia machines, patient monitors, ventilators, infusion pumps as well as docking stations for infusion pumps to Cuba, Szijjártó said.

Thanks to the forward-looking, successful purchases of recent years, he said,

Hungary is able to help countries that are in a difficult situation,

“and we are doing what we can to help”.

Ukrainian soldiers fighting against Russian invaders
Read also Hungarian government made a generous offer to Ukrainian soldiers!

Orbán not to have education, healthcare, environment ministries – Gyurcsány’s DK outraged

Viktor Orbán

Gergely Arató, the deputy group leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), on Friday criticised Viktor Orbán’s incoming cabinet which he said “no longer keeps up appearances by maintaining ministries for education, health care and the environment”.

Arató issued a statement in response to Orban’s press chief announcing the list of ministers after the incoming prime minister concluded talks on forming his next cabinet earlier in the day. Orbán, the leader of the ruling Fidesz party,

won a fourth consecutive term at the parliamentary election held on April 3.

In his statement, Arató said it transpired from the list of names that there would be no ministries assigned to education, health care, welfare and environmental protection, areas he said were deemed “unnecessary” by the new government.

opposition coalition
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Hungary sending 400,000 antigen test kits to these countries

COVID test protect against COVID-19

Hungary is sending 400,000 antigen test kits to the Philippines and to Somalia this weekend, the foreign minister said on Friday.

Péter Szijjártó said in a video posted on Facebook that coronavirus posed a greater challenge than ever before in many parts of the world.

Hungary, he noted, has been helping out in many cases,

most recently sending test kits to Moldova, North Macedonia and to Montenegro.

The Philippines will receive 300,000 rapid antigen tests while Somalia will get 100,000, he said.

“We trust that [the shipments] will aid in a successful fight against the pandemic in these two countries,” Szijjártó said.

Coronavirus test
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Hungarian government made a generous offer to Ukrainian soldiers!

Ukrainian soldiers fighting against Russian invaders

The United Nations should step up efforts to establish peace in Ukraine and achieve a ceasefire agreement, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in New York on Wednesday. Szijjártó added Hungary has offered to treat Ukraine’s wounded soldiers. He also called for stepping up humanitarian support, noting that Hungary has sent over 1,000 tonnes of aid to Ukraine.

Given that every minute of the war in Ukraine poses a security risk to Hungary, it is critical to end the bloodshed as soon as possible, the foreign ministry cited Szijjártó as saying at a session of the UN General Assembly on the financing of peacebuilding activities.

The war is becoming increasingly brutal, as can be seen in the number of casualties, the “tragic images” coming out of Ukraine and the growing number of refugees, Szijjártó said, adding that

Hungary had taken in over 640,000 refugees from Ukraine so far.

Hope is starting to fade, the minister said, adding that one of the last rays of hope was that the UN could play a greater role in establishing peace, a ceasefire agreement and in making the peace talks more successful.

Szijjártó expressed support for the UN secretary-general’s proposal to set up humanitarian contact groups and stressed the importance of humanitarian corridors. “Hundreds of thousands of people are dying.

It is time to put an end to this war,”

Szijjártó said, adding that the UN’s peacebuilding capabilities should be put to better use.

He said Hungary has offered to treat Ukraine’s wounded soldiers. He also called for stepping up humanitarian support, noting that Hungary has sent over 1,000 tonnes of aid to Ukraine. He said the International Committee of the Red Cross was coordinating its humanitarian activities from Hungary, as it can operate securely in the country thanks to Hungary’s ban on the transit of weapons deliveries through its territory.

Hungary Budapest-Belgrade railway
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Every second test positive in the last 24h

COVID test protect against COVID-19

Altogether 32 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 1,399 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Tuesday.

So far 6,406,150 people have received a first jab, while 6,192,142 have been double-jabbed. Fully 3,861,353 Hungarians have received a booster third shot and 285,137 a fourth shot.

The number of active infections went down to 56,928, while hospitals are treating 1,499 Covid-19 patients, 37 of whom are intubated on a ventilator.

Since the first outbreak, 1,895,677 have been registered with the virus, while 46,133 deaths have been recorded. Fully 1,792,616 people have made a recovery.

According to, out of 2,629 tests, 1,399 were positive, which is 52.3 pc.

wizz air
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Hungarian 8-year-old saved his mother’s life!

National Ambulance Service Hungary

The police shared a phone conversation between an 8-year-old Hungarian boy and a dispatcher of the National Ambulance Service.

Máté’s bravery saved his mother’s life

According to, without Máté’s presence of mind in those critical minutes, his mother would most likely be dead. “Máté is a real hero. He was aware of everything, he’s got guts. His mother can thank her life to him,” the ambulance and police praised the 8-year-old Hungarian boy. He knew what to do when there was trouble and immediately called the ambulance.

Although it is difficult to think clearly in such situations, Máté was able to tell the ambulance what happened, as well as the address and what pills his mother uses for her heart problem after his mother collapsed. “The boy was not afraid even when his mother was in a bad condition. These were tense moments, but the operator and the ambulance rescue team leader remained with the family. It will be something they will never forget,” the police wrote.

They drew attention in their post to what everybody should tell the operators in such situations:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. What happened? Why do you need help?

And since we wrote about healthcare and danger…

These are the latest COVID numbers from Hungary

A total of 24 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 2,047 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Friday. So far, 6,405,472 people received their first jab, while 6,191,345 have been double-jabbed. 3,858,487 Hungarians have received a booster shot, and 281,150 got their fourth shot.

The number of active infections went down to 68,288, while hospitals are treating 1,449 Covid-19 patients, 45 of whom are intubated on a ventilator. Since the first outbreak, 1,890,953 have been registered with the virus, while 46,048 deaths have been recorded. A total of 1,776,617 people have made a recovery.

Counterfeit Pick Salami
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Number of active infections continue to decrease – Hungary is safe

Coronavirus Hungary

Altogether 24 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 3,041 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Thursday.

So far 6,405,342 people have received a first jab, while 6,191,154 have been double-jabbed. Fully 3,857,876 Hungarians have received a booster third shot and 280,159 a fourth shot.

The number of active infections went down to 72,816, while hospitals are treating 1,500 Covid-19 patients, 48 of whom are intubated on a ventilator.

Since the first outbreak, 1,888,906 have been registered with the virus, while 46,024 deaths have been recorded. Fully 1,770,066 people have made a recovery.

Read alsoHungarian GP: Ukrainian refugees bring AIDS, tuberculosis, measles

Hungarian GP: Ukrainian refugees bring AIDS, tuberculosis, measles


Dániel Eörsi, a Hungarian GP helping refugees from Ukraine, talked sincerely about the medical condition of the people crossing the Hungarian border. He said there were patients diagnosed with measles in one of the aid centres. Furthermore, the different medicines of Ukrainian citizens cause serious problems.

Refugees in poor medical condition

According to, Dániel Eörsi joined volunteer healthcare staff in an institution helping homeless people in Budapest. He said they met patients from every corner of the world, and it is common that their treatment differs from European standards. He added that it seemed to him sometimes that refugees coming from Ukraine received different treatment than the European scientific paradigm.

One of the refugees showed a blood pressure medicine, which was not in the Hungarian register. Moreover, Eörsi said many Ukrainian citizens use vitamins and herbs instead of medicine. Moreover, once he saw a leg ulcer that

had not been treated for 15-20 years.

Ukrainian refugees bring AIDS and other terrible diseases to Hungary?

He said that many refugees were not cooperative, and they did not go to the hospital despite the doctor’s recommendation. They accept antibiotics but reject treatment. For them, hospitals are dangerous places since they have to go there alone, without their families. He highlighted that some of them might carry hepatitis, AIDS or tuberculosis, reported.

The AIDS infection rate in Ukraine, for example, is significantly higher than in Hungary.

Moreover, we can catch tuberculosis regardless of the vaccine, although the chance of that is small. He said that among poorer people, doctors cannot exclude even scabies, lice, and similar health issues.

The vaccination rate of the children is low. Among the adults, 36 pc received at least the first jab of the coronavirus vaccine. That rate is above 70 pc in Hungary.


Read alsoMore than 600,000 Ukrainian refugees have crossed the Hungarian border!

Dubai millionaire saved the life of his bodyguard in Hungary


The bodyguard of a Dubai millionaire collapsed without any pre-existing health conditions. The ambulance fought for the life of the 45-year-old man for more than an hour. However, he would not have had a chance if it had not been for the Dubai millionaire he worked for.

The National Ambulance Service reported about the incident on their Facebook page. They wrote that the Dubai millionaire was in Hungary during the weekend. The purpose of his stay was to take part in a business negotiation. However, the meeting had to be interrupted because his 45-year-old bodyguard suddenly collapsed. Furthermore, the ambulance service wrote on their Facebook page that the bodyguard was in good health and had no preliminary conditions.

Ambulance said that the Middle Eastern businessman probably had some medical knowledge since he immediately offered first aid to the man. He quickly determined that the 45-year-old man did not breathe and began CPR.

Meanwhile, his business partners called the ambulance which arrived on the spot within minutes. They struggled for the life of the man for more than an hour. However, thanks to the immediately started CPR, they were successful. The combined effort managed to save his life.

Finally, they transported the bodyguard to the hospital in stable condition. The Dubai millionaire thanked the National Ambulance Service on Monday in an email addressed to the general director.


Hungary is safe for tourists – here are the latest COVID numbers

Altogether 26 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 2,740 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Wednesday.

So far 6,404,541 people have received a first jab, while 6,190,140 have been double-jabbed. Fully 3,854,092 Hungarians have received a booster third shot and 276,208 a fourth shot.

The number of active infections went down to 89,057, while hospitals are treating 1,717 Covid-19 patients, 47 of whom are intubated on a ventilator.

Since the first outbreak, 1,876,946 have been registered with the virus, while 45,838 deaths have been recorded. Fully 1,742,051 people have made a recovery.

waitress restaurant drinks
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COVID numbers keep falling in Hungary

Coronavirus Hungary

Altogether 36 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 2,880 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Wednesday.

So far 6,403,532 people have received a first jab, while 6,188,620 have been double-jabbed. Fully 3,848,757 Hungarians have received a booster third shot and 268,485 a fourth shot.

The number of active infections has fallen to 96,895, while hospitals are treating 1,785 Covid-19 patients, 49 of whom are intubated on a ventilator.

Since the first outbreak, 1,863,039 have been registered with the virus, while 45,647 deaths have been recorded. Fully 1,720,497 people have made a recovery.

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Here is the warning: flu numbers rising in Hungary

Flu epidemic sick family

Between March 21 and 27, over 27,000 people saw their doctors with flu-like symptoms, 9 percent more than during the previous week, the National Public Health Centre (NNK) said on its website on Friday.

According to the NNK, samples from across the country, with the exception of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (NE) and Zala (SW) counties, showed the presence of a flu virus. The highest case numbers were reported from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (NE) while Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok (E) and Pest (C) counties have the fewest sick people, the authority said.

The highest number of flu patients has been registered in the 3-14 age group (41.2 percent), followed by the 15-34 age group (31.5 percent). Fully 8.2 percent of the patients are over sixty, the website said.

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Here are the latest COVID data from Hungary – basically good news

Hungary coronavirus

Altogether 40 patients died of a Covid-related illness over the past 24 hours, while 2,327 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Friday.

So far 6,402,762 people have received a first jab, while 6,187,600 have been double-jabbed. Fully 3,845,314 Hungarians have received a booster third shot and 261,879 a fourth shot.

The number of active infections has fallen to 99 318, while hospitals are treating 1,858 Covid-19 patients, 56 of whom are intubated on a ventilator.

Since the first outbreak, 1,854,198 have been registered with the virus, while 45,510 deaths have been recorded. Fully 1,709,370 people have made a recovery.

Refugees from Ukraine
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