

1st Hungarian luxury bitter brand ready: the Zwack Unicum’s Trezor XO

Check out the details and some photos of the new product in our article. #unicum #unicumtrezorxo #drink #spirit #bitter

5 fun facts about the Hungarian pálinka

Do you like pálinka? #traditional #drink #hungarikum

Hungarikum awards presented

Seven national treasures were awarded Hungarikum labels at the 4th Hungarikum Awards Gala held on Thursday at the Petőfi Theater in Veszprém. #hungarikum #lángos #székelykapu

Cultural triumph: Hungary awards beloved Hungarian Folk Tales

Discover what makes Hungary's identity unique at the Hungarikum Award Gala. What cultural gem would you nominate? 🏆

Hungarikum collection expanding: Szekler gate and lángos!

The collection of Hungarikums has recently been expanded with the Szekler gates and the famous Hungarian deep fried flat bread, lángos! #hungarikum #lángos #szeklergate #székelykapu

PHOTO: New forint coin with truly unique motif coming today!

The new coin will feature one of the Hungarikums! #forint #coin #Hungaricum

Hungarikum: Pálinka added to EU-Japan geographical indication agreement

Pálinka, the Hungarian eau de vie, has been added to a list of geographical indications protected in an agreement between the EU and Japan. #japan #eu #pálinka #hungarikum #alcohol #drink

Most well-known Hungarian alcoholic drinks to savour in the summer heat

Hungary has a long history with the production and consumption of alcohol beverages. Let's take a look at some of the most well-known Hungarian alcoholic drinks #dailynewshungary #hungary #alcohol #gastronomy #culture #tourism #pálinka

President Novák’s Facebook post about the Szeklers outraged Romania

"Don't let Transylvania be lost, our God" - "Ne hagyd elveszni Erdélyt, Istenünk"

Bold ideas: Will the ‘Orbán inflation’ be a Hungarikum?

The unique 'Orbán inflation' "will be the first and only Hungarikum that no country will want to import," the opposition party DK said. #hungary #dailynewshungary #orbán #inflation

Two new specialities added to the collection of Hungarikums!

The Collection of Hungarikums has been expanded with the Hövej lace (höveji csipke) and the Bratislava buns (pozsonyi kifli). #hungary #dailynewshungary #hungarikum

The best places to buy Hungaricums in Budapest

If you are looking for the best places to buy Hungaricums, here are some recommendations for you. #Hungary #Dailynewshungary #Budapest #Hungaricums #souvenirs

Find out the winner of the Best Hungarian Honey of the Year award

Find out the winner of the Outstanding Hungarian Honey of the Year title, announced at the XIII. Gyula Honey and Gingerbread Festival. #dailynewshungary #hungary #honey #award

Two brand new Hungarikums announced!

Hungarikums are things and phenomenons that are unique to Hungary, therefore representing a great value for Hungarians. #hungary #dailynewshungary #hungarikum

Funny don’ts when you meet a Hungarian for the first time

Would like to make new Hungarian friends? Here are some tips you shouldn't do when meeting him/her for the first time 😉 🇭🇺 #dailynewshungary #hungarian #expats #friendship

Hungarian space paprika is better than NASA’s

Do you like Hungarian paprika? #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #NASA #hungarikum

The scariest Hungarian tradition continues this year

The Busójárás in Mohács is on the UNESCO World Heritage list #Hungary #tradition #event #culture

Iconic Hungarian dog breed could face extinction

There is a possibility that in the future, people will only see the Komondor in animated Hungarian folktales 🇭🇺 #animals #dogs #komondor #hungary #dailynewshungary

Check out how Hungarian attire turns into eternal fashion

The Hungarian traditional costume is often combined with modern clothing. This time, Hajnal Aurora Németh has created something we have never seen before.

Discover Hungarian values with the newly-opened Hungarikum Exhibition House!

The #Hungarikum House pays homage to #Hungarian inventors and their inventions, as well as elements of Hungarian culture 🇭🇺 #museum #hungary #DailyNewsHungary #tourism