Hungary's budget


Finance Ministry: Hungary’s budget to guarantee protection of pensions, family subsidies

"Even under great pressure, the Hungary's budget will guarantee the protection of pensions and family subsidies, as well as..."

Hungary paying price for EU not needing internal border protection

Finance minister Varga: Hungary should receive a huge compensation for its expenditures

Hungary’y central budget posts EUR 123.5m surplus in May

"Transfers from Brussels continued and reached 546.2 billion forints, while..."

Hungarian government reports deficit increase, minister sees positive impact of inflation figures

Inflation is clearly accelerating, in such circumstances it is strange to talk of it "collapsing"...

Hungary accumulates budget deficit higher than planned for the year by the end of April

By the end of April, the general government balance closed with a deficit of HUF 2,597.5 billion. The original plan was to have a deficit of HUF 2,514.8 billion for the whole year. #budget #economy #deficit

Hungary’s finance minsitry: huge budget deficit of €5.9 billion in March

The Hungarian budget is not in a very good shape. The government has set itself a budget deficit target for the coming years:

What is happening here? Hungary’s budget deficit almost reached its full-year target by the end of March

The budget has failed completely, the government continues to repeat that it will reduce the Hungary's budget deficit and public debt...

Ambitious plans: these are the economic goals the Orbán cabinet wants to achieve by 2030

In many respects Hungary is in the bottom third of EU countries, but the government has set good goals

Hungarian budget has collapsed in two months, the deficit is already huge

Only two months of figures for the year and already the Hungarian budget is in trouble...

Orbán cabinet miscalculated by EUR 3.1 billion, budget deficit has become brutal in 2023

Government admits clear failure of 2023 budget in Hungary - final figures confirmed

Orbán cabinet planning unprecedented austerity for local governments?

The Orbán-cabinet is spending unimaginable amounts of money – not for the right purposes, though. #orbán #government #localgovernment #funding

Hungary’s public finance deficit narrows from 2022

Revenues in corporate tax totalled EUR 2.6 billion, over the target, which is "another sign of favourable changes in economic trends". #economy #deficit #budget

Defence minister: 2024 budget guarantees security of Hungarians

Allocations in this year's budget will ensure the participation of Hungarian troops in NATO missions and international military exercises. #defence #nato #budget

Hungary’s EU funding for the 2014-2020 projects under completion

"In the last funding period, Hungary had 11.5 billion euros in resources, and, taking domestic co-financing into account, the EU framework amounted to 27 billion"

Hungarian finance minister: EU, US should strive for equal relations – Eurogroup meeting

#Eurogroup meeting in Luxembourg: #eu #us

Breaking: Hungarian government raises budget deficit target

The government raised the budget deficit target to 5.2% of GDP, which is 1 percentage point lower than last year, but 1.3 percentage points higher than this year's original target. #government #budget #deficit

Hungary’s budget deficit reaches EUR 7.6bn in June

Hungary's cash flow-based budget balance reached EUR 7.6bn:

Parliament passes 2024 budget, opposition slams it

The budget targets revenue of HUF 38,240 billion (EUR 98.73 billion) and expenditures of HUF 40,755 billion (EUR 105.23 billion). The deficit target is HUF 2,514 billion (EUR 6.49 billion). #hungary #dailynewshungary #budget #parliament

Majority of Hungarians say hospitals are in a catastrophic state, government says all is well

Parallel reality! The Hungarian population considers the health care situation to be disastrous, while the government in power for 12 years says everything is fine...

Government: Hungarian families have the cheapest gas in Europe

Energy ministry: Hungarian families continue to have the cheapest access to natural gas in Europe thanks to price subsidies guaranteed in the 2024 central budget. #hungary #dailynewshungary #naturalgas #budget #energy