Paks nuclear plant project


New Paks blocks will be highly safe

The two new Paks power plant buildings constructed by Russian-owned Rosatom company will be safe, says company

LMP: Paks upgrade not in Europe’s interests

"The project would lead to a natural, social, and economic upheaval"

Democratic Coalition protests Paks upgrade

Another protest against the Paks project

Hungary to start calling down Paks loan from Russia

Eighty percent of the invoices will be paid out from an inter-state loan agreement concluded with Russia and the rest from Hungary's central budget

Election committee rejects LMP board member’s Paks referendum initiative

The NVB also rejected a referendum initiative on giving men with 42 years of health insurance coverage the option of early retirement.

Court says environmental groups’ Paks appeal lodged too late

The environmental groups lodged the appeal with the wrong authority, thus missing the deadline

Hungarian government: US ambassador needed – Weekly press briefing

"More US diplomats who speak Hungarian are needed" Weekly press briefing about CEU, farmland sales, Paks upgrade and many interesting topic

LMP initiates referendum on ‘Paks 3’ plan

"Only the Hungarian people have a right to decide on the use of nuclear energy in Hungary" - #lmp

Further developments needed in Paks after 2030, says minister

The 12 billion dollar Paks upgrade would start in January next year

Paks upgrade minister advocates construction of further blocks

Construction of the site buildings would start in January next year

Hungary to enter long term gas delivery agreement with Russia from 2021

#Hungary will enter into a long-term agreement with #Gazprom

Russian Rosatom pledges full transparency for Paks expansion project

Alexey Likhachev, head of #Rosatom, visits Hungary with a large delegation

Decision on Paks block 4 lifespan could come by year’s end

"#Nuclear #energy ensures a stable supply of electricity for consumers in #Hungary" - Ministry

Nuclear power plant Paks upgrade to start in January

Putin and Orbán agreed that "their joint decisions made earlier have started to bear fruit" - Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó

Majority supports Paks nuclear power upgrade in Hungary

Do you agree? The majority of Hungarians said #nuclear #energy is best to secure continual electricity supplies

Debrecen University to honour Russian President Vladimir Putin

The University of Debrecen is to award Russian President Vladimir Putin the title "civis honoris causa"

LMP threatens legal action over Paks data requests

LMP requests the release of public data

LMP demands government should stop Paks upgrade project over earthquake concerns

#LMP: It has turned out that the government cannot guarantee the security of residents

Election Committee rejects referendum initiatives concerning Paks upgrade

#Paks #upgrade

Kúria turns down DK appeal concerning higher education law and okays rejection of LMP’s Paks referendum

#DK's s referendum initiative in connection with the higher education law affecting the #Central #European #University (#CEU)