Paks nuclear plant project


Orbán: Migration will completely reshape world

"#Migration will completely reshape the world in which we live, and everything that happens in 2050 and beyond will be a consequence of what is happening now" - PM Orbán

Jávor heads Párbeszéd EP list

#EPelection2019 - Jávor is followed by former MP Dávid Dorosz and co-leader Tímea Szabó on the #Párbeszéd list

MEP wins suit aimed at declassifying Paks upgrade agreements

MEP Jávor hailed the ruling as a "great victory helping Hungarian citizens to public information" #russia #hungary #paks

No power supply without Paks 2 nuclear plant?

"The expansion of the #nuclear #power plant would not stand in opposition to renewables " #Hungary #energy #Paks

Jobbik initiates setting up parliament committee on Paks upgrade

"The majority of Hungarians is against the upgrade of the #Paks #nuclear #plant" - #Jobbik #Hungary #Russia #government

LMP demands total cost figure for Paks enlargement

"#Hungary will only become [energy] independent if it switches to renewables" - #LMP

Paks upgrade state secretary sacked

The state of Russia is financing most of the cost of the 12.5 billion euro upgrade of #Paks, #Hungary's sole commercial #nuclear #power #plant.

LMP submits request for data of public interest on alleged Paks cost increase

"#Paks II is not suitable for keeping #Hungary on a sustainable growth track" - #LMP MP Ungár

Opposition parties slam Orbán for ‘lying’

Opposition leaders have blasted PM #Orbán for "lying about Hungary's real situation" #hungary #hungarian #politics

Hungary has ‘no alternative’ to building nuclear plant, says minister

"Without the #Paks upgrade #project, #Hungary would face serious #power #supply problems within 5-10 years"

Paks 2 nuclear power plant project – the “worst deal of the century”?

"The #Orbán #regime would collapse unless it resumes control over the increasingly chaotic #Paks 2 investment #project" #Hungary #nuclear #energy

Hungary to be among top 5 EU countries by 2030, says Orbán

Hungarian Diaspora Council in Budapest

Hungarian government to turn to EU, UN over ‘migrant cards’

Weekly government press briefing: #Gruevski case, #migration, #Brexit

Foreign minister: Deciding country’s energy mix ‘national competence’

He said #energy #security is also a matter of #national #sovereignty

Orbán: Hungary appreciates Russia ties

It is in #Hungary's #national #interest that "there should be good #cooperation between the two halves of #Europe"

Green LMP: Warming Danube risk to nuclear plant security

The #thermal #efficiency of the #blocks had deteriorated and the #plant generated less #electricity than earlier

Hungarian nuclear energy consistent with EU climate policy

The #government aims to put an #end to #Hungary's #dependence on #imports of #Russian #gas

Nuclear power plant Paks upgrade will be completed on time

#Russia has agreed to lend #Hungary 10 billion euros to cover 80 percent of the project's costs #nuclear #power #plant #Paks

LMP concerned about extra EUR 310m for Paks upgrade company

"The #Paks #upgrade #project is one of the worst #business deals of the century"

Government to apply for permit for new Paks blocks this year

#Hungary signed an #agreement with #Moscow in January 2014 on the construction of two blocks at the #Paks #nuclear #power plant by Russia's Rosatom