
On April: Debrecen’s first Model United Nations Conference

The Debrecen Model United Nations (#DebMUN): #Debrecen will hold its first MUN organised by students, for students

Hungary calls on UN to ditch pro-migration stance

"If the #UN does not give up its completely biased stance on #migration, the danger to #Europe in the coming months will be extremely serious" - Hungarian FM Szijjártó

Hungarian FM calls on UN high commissioner to resign

"The UN high commissioner accused Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of xenophobia and racism" - Hungarian FM Szijjártó #hungary #hungarian #unitednations #un #unhcr #orban

UNHCR: Life for civil organisations made difficult in Hungary

"The Hungarian government's "Stop Soros" package violates international laws on human rights" #hungary #hungarian #soros #unitednations #unhcr #orban #government

Fidesz vows to fight ‘United Nations’ migration package’

The #UN migration package was reminiscent of well-known aspects of the "Soros Plan" - #Fidesz #unitednations #migration #soros #hungary #hungarian #government

Hungarian foreign minister responds to Swedish counterpart’s remarks over new asylum rules

"Swedish foreign minister was indeed right in stating a difference in the two countries' approach"

Hungary rejects UN commissioner’s criticism of Hungary’s asylum rules

Foreign minister: "Why is the high commissioner for human rights encouraging people to break laws?" UN Human Rights Council #migration #UN

Hungary rejects UNHCR comment on new migrant legislation

UNHCR: Hungarian legislation tramples on European Union laws and an international law barring authorities from mass detention of asylum seekers

Parliament votes to strengthen border, tighten asylum rules – UPDATE

Parliament approved measures tightening existing asylum regulations in Hungary

UNHCR: Hungary’s migration policy restricts access to asylum

Budapest, May 12 (MTI) – The migration policies Hungary adopted last summer have limited refugees’ access to asylum, the UNHCR said in a report on Thursday. […]

Hungarian foreign minister meets Argentinian counterpart in Washington

Washington, DC, March 31 (MTI) – Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó met Susana Malcorra, his Argentinian counterpart, for talks on the sidelines of the nuclear summit in […]

UNHCR provides constant aid for migrants at border

Budapest, September 6 (MTI) – The UNHCR is constantly providing help for migrants arriving in Hungary, Erno Simon, spokesman for the refugee agency’s Hungarian service centre, […]

Government official says cooperation with UNHCR “necessary”

Budapest, July 15 (MTI) – Hungary has a need for cooperation with the United Nation’s refugee agency (UNHCR) in this “crisis situation”, a government official told […]

UNHCR: Number of asylum applicants double in 2014

Budapest (MTI) – The number of asylum-seekers arriving in Hungary doubled in 2014 compared with the previous year, UNHCR, the United Nation’s refugee agency, said on […]

UNHCR launches billboard campaign to combat anti-immigration voices

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is launching a billboard campaign to mark World Refugee Day on 20 June, hirado.hu reported. […]