
Foreign minister Szijjártó at WHO GA: Politicising intl organisations ‘extremely dangerous’

General assembly of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Geneva

Founder of pro-Fidesz CÖF publicly gives blueprint for propaganda against Péter Magyar

Read here how CÖF wants Fidesz communication regarding Péter Magyar and the WHO to change.

Radical Hungarian party: Government should reject global pandemic pact

The Mi Hazánk movement has called on the government to register an objection to the World Health Organisation's planned pandemic pact. #pandemic #who #mihazánk

WHO head soon to visit Budapest

"Nobody wants to see the lockdowns and quarantines again, and luckily it seems that they won't be necessary," Péter Szijjártó added. #WHO

Hungarian opposition: WHO mustn’t be allowed to become ‘world government’

Dóra Dúró said, insisting that the WHO "has by now clearly become a corporation of the pharmaceutical industry, representing the interests of its financiers and serving their goal to generate profits"

Hungarian FM: Global health-care cooperation must be totally depoliticized

"One of these lessons we have to learn is that all those strategic capacities might look like useless under normal circumstances, but under emergency circumstances they can save lives," Szijjártó said.

Pro-Govt Union Forum warns a threat to existence of nation states

The existence of nation states is under threat from a range of global challenges, according to pro-govt Union Forum and associated foundation. #hungary #dailynewshungary #eu

Hungarian foreign minister warns against politicising WHO’s operations

"If things are politicised even in the WHO, the world will not be able to prepare for this new epidemic"

WHO recommends this Hungarian method to predict COVID spread

Hungarians remained innovative even during the epidemic + latest COVID data from Hungary. #Hungary #Hungarian #coronavirus #dailynewshungary #vaccine #health #healthcare #hospital

What really is the Hungarian govt officials’ take on pressing matters?

Interviewers asked govt officials during the Kötcse Civic Picnic ?? #fidesz #hungariangovernment #politics #hungary #dailynewshungary

Hungarians’ obesity is getting worse?

The situation deteriorated a lot in the last two years.?? #DailyNewsHungary #Hungary #statistics #health #obesity

WHO chief: the Hungarian institute of oncology is an example for many countries

Before he said that #Hungary should postpone administering third jabs. #Hungarian #WHO #NationalInstituteofOncology #OOI #oncology #dailynewshungary

Minister: lockdown can only be avoided if more people accept the jab!

Moreover, the #WHO head said that #Hungary should postpone administering third jabs. #Hungarian #dailynewshungary #health #healthcare #hospital #government

Wuhan lab staff sought hospital care before COVID-19 outbreak disclosed – WSJ

New proof disclosed the COVID-19 pandemic:

How can we stop the next pandemic? Here’s what WHO panel recommends

Instead of preparing their hospitals for COVID-19 patients, many countries engaged in a "winner-takes-all" scramble for protective equipment ??

All Hungarians vaccinated abroad to receive an immunity certificate!

Weddings are allowed from May 28 ???

Is the Chinese vaccine really ineffective for the elderly? WHO says the opposite

The #Hungarian opposition said before that #Sputnik and #Sinopharm should only be used after the European authorities accept them. #Hungarian #government #WHO #vaccine #dailynewshungary

Orbán cabinet: 4.3 m inoculated in Hungary

"@WHO confirms Chinese Sinopharm protects elderly against Covid-19"

WHO classifies India variant as being of global concern

Stay strong, India! ???

Hungary is among the first EU countries to vaccinate 16-18 year olds

"We are in a position to vaccinate anyone who needs it," - Foreign Affairs Minister #vaccine #immunity #health #coronavirus #pandemic #hungary #dailynewshungary