Taxi fares may rise again significantly in Budapest and the municipalities
In Budapest, taxi fares have increased by more than 33 percent since May. As a result, the basic charge increased to HUF 1,000 (EUR 2.43), the per-kilometre charge to HUF 400 (EUR 1), and the per-minute charge is HUF 100 (EUR 0.25). The fees may continue to rise again significantly because of the government’s decision.
According to, the Hungarian taxi associations turned to PM Viktor Orbán today because the government ended the fuel price cap scheme. As a result, taxi drivers must pay the market price for fuel in Hungary, which is more than 30 percent higher than the capped one.
Zoltán Metál, president of the Hungarian Taxi Association, said there were settlements in Hungary where drivers could increase fees today because local governments did not have regulatory power. However, that is not true in the municipalities and Budapest. The taxi association would not want to introduce higher fares due to the increased costs.
Mr Metál added many drivers and families may struggle to make ends meet. He said the government did not negotiate with them because the administration already knew their standpoint thanks to the previous talks.
He said the price rise should not be too high otherwise it will scare away potential passengers.