The best Hungarian hotels

The jury separately evaluated the 3-, 4- and 5-star hotels. Kempinski was chosen the best 5-star hotel; Ózon and Budapest Airport Hotel became the best 4-star, and Casati the best 3-star hotel, wrote.
The Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants – with the professional support of Magyar Turizmus Zrt. – put up the Hotel of the Year contest the third time in 2015. The awards were handed over in the Budapest Hilton Hotel on January 22.
According to, the jury evaluated a total of 21 applications in the 3 categories. The jury assessed the operating standards, the customer satisfaction, the quality, the training and the satisfaction of the staff, and the hotel’s social responsibility as well.
Hotels of the Year in 2015:
5-star category: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest
4-star category: Budapest Airport Hotel Stáció Wellnes and Conference of Vecsés and Residence Ózon Conference and Wellness Hotel of Mátraháza
3-star category: Casati Budapest Hotel
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