The Embassy of the US condemns the listing of ’Soros’s Hungarian agents’

Government close Figyelő published the names of those people who they suspect to work for so-called ‘Soros organisations.’ On the list, one can find all the lecturers of the Central European University, employees of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Amnesty International, Transparency International or the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. According to, the Embassy of the US condemned the listing on Twitter.
PM Orbán promised retribution after the election
“We are gentle and jolly people, but we are neither blind nor dupes.
After the elections, we will, of course, get our retribution; moral, political and legal retribution, too.”
– said PM Orbán in his speech on the national celebration of March 15th. However, he added that his supporters should concentrate on retribution only after the elections.
Many considered the above sentences as
a threat towards those who do not support the government’s agenda – e.g. opposition parties.
However, government officials said that it was the result of the election that was meant as moral and political retribution. Furthermore, legal retribution is aimed at the slanderous assertions said during the campaign, which will be followed by legal processes – according to Gergely Gulyás, vice-president of the Hungarian National Assembly.
However, according to, the harassment of NGOs reached a new level in the government-close media. In fact, Figyelő
published the names of those employees who work for institutions the government regards as Soros organizations.
The Embassy of the US condemned Figyelő’s list
Referring to a record PM Orbán said before that 2,000 people work for the Soros-network in Hungary and he knows all of them by name. However, the list published now is much shorter though according to, this is only the start.
The list contains the lecturers of the Central European University, employees of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Amnesty International, Transparency International, Eötvös Károly Institute and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. Furthermore, people are working for K-Monitor and Direkt36, both news portals investigating corruption scandals. Besides they included an organisation helping migrants (MENEDÉK), the Romaversitas Foundation helping Romas, Márton Gulyás and András Siewert.
However, and Mérce detected that
Figyelő included already dead people, as well.
According to, the Embassy of the US condemned the list in a tweet. They wrote:
Civil society = ordinary citizens working to make their country a better place. The United States condemns #Figyelo’s attempt to intimidate these citizens. @hetilap #westandwithcivilsociety #IstandwithCEU
Source:,, Daily News Hungary