The European Parliament has moved “towards extremism, transgressing the most fundamental democratic rules and attacking not only Hungary but the European Commission for negotiating with Hungary on certain issues,” Balázs Hidvéghi, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, told public Kossuth Rádió on Sunday morning.
Hidvéghi insisted it was “detrimental” to European cooperation that “the EP refuses to accept that Hungary’s position is different from theirs on the hottest issues such as the war or aid to Ukraine, or moral topics like LGBT propaganda and child protection.”
The MEP suggested that differing views should be tolerated, adding that threatening Hungary with stripping the country of its voting rights in the EU “beats everything”. He added, however, that procedures to deny Hungary its voting rights could be initiated by one third of the European Commission or of member states, while the European Council should pass a unanimous decision. “There is no realistic chance for that,” he said.
Hidvéghi slammed the EP for its “debates characterised by defamation, unfounded, extremist remarks and complete rejection of different positions”, saying those phenomena “clearly show the workings of the Soros network”. “This network has infiltrated European institutions … through various organisations and activists and is increasingly aggressive against differing opinions … they will stigmatise anyone that has views differing from theirs,” he said.
Meanwhile, he said, “people in Western Europe are not asked about crucial social and political issues … voters are forced to face measures to change society, concerning LGBT themes, or the war.” “What is happening in Brussels does not reflect the majority opinion … Brussels has become a closed-off, ideological and aggressive centre … and we must fight that,” he said.
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Has anyone at DHN ever heard of the WEF that meets every year in heart of Europe withe some of the richest and powerful people along with richest business in the world and many goverments. Somehow that is not a news story- but Johnny depp in town an be a headline for over a week. Weather you like it or not what goes on in the US affects the world. Including culture. Soros impact on the US has been devistating – if you just report documented info you can let your readers decide. Imajine a 2 billion Russian pipe line is destroyed and dosent make news here. How about the lies about Covid that gave its own section but when it’s been proven much was lies like you get the shot you won’t get Covid or spread it to others for starters- people are still wearing masks and keeping distance.
The Real Person!
Author Eleonora Jobst acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Dear TM, we’ll look into it. Thanks for reading us, we always value our readers’ feedback.
The word extremism is used by socialist; socialist that want to further impoverish and control the population of the EU.
Conservatism is not an extreme philosophy. Presently, conservative governments’ main duty is to their citizens not to foreign powers (globalist) and nations. Citizens in the Netherlands now have hope that their standard of living will improve under the new conservative government.