Hungarian forint plummets again – here is why

After a significant strengthening trend, the forint is weakening again. Read on to find out the main reasons why.

Rule-of-law conditionality mechanism

The European Commission has notified Hungary earlier this week that it is activating the rule-of-law conditionality mechanism against the country. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, announced this on Tuesday in the European Parliament. For the first time, this event was one during which MEPs could ask questions from the Commission President.

The rule-of-law mechanism is a tool that allows the European Commission to withdraw EU funding from a Member State if it is found to be in breach of the EU’s core values and, most importantly, to the detriment of the EU budget.

However, as we can read in’s article, the launch of the mechanism does not mean that no money will come to Hungary from now on. A long dialogue between Hungary and the EU, which could last for months, will now begin.

The Commission will have to determine where and to what extent EU core values and the budget are being breached, and then impose a sanction.

Finally, the members of the European Council will vote on this.

The forint’s performance

After the first couple of rounds of election results, the forint strengthened minimally. However, during the first day of the fifth Fidesz government, the forint started to fall against the euro, according to

The euro fell to almost 366 forints immediately after Fidesz’s victory around midnight on Sunday. However, the forint fell on Tuesday morning, with the euro trading at around 369.15 forints at 7 am.

By the evening of the same day, the forint had also weakened significantly against the major currencies compared to Tuesday morning.

According to, the euro jumped to as high as 377 forints after 1 pm, following the announcement of the rule-of-law case against Hungary. As we can read in another article of, the loss of EU funds makes it very difficult to restart the economy. Current expectations are for growth to fall to essentially zero from the second quarter of the year.



  1. Hungarian Citizens 9.6 million population – overwhelmingly endorsed voted back into office, the Fidesz Party – under the Leadershp of Prime minister – Victor Orban.
    Accountability & Responsibility – must be TAKEN by those who voted for the return to office of Fidesz – and ALL that is going to be seen & witnessed in the FRAGILE and Exposed weakening economy of Hungary.
    ALL key componentry – used to access a countrys Economy – in the case of Hungary which has been FACT for the past 18 months – are HEADING in a continual DOWNWARD Trend.
    Fasten your seatbelts in Hungary – we are in for a VERY VERY VERY – Bumpy Ride, that will effect ALL Hungarians.
    Accountability & Responsibility – those who voted Fidesz as the safe & sure bet – you will be shown the ERROR of your judgement.

  2. The only reason the hungarian forint fell is because the EUSSR-mafia does what they always do. Use their power to sabotage those who dare divert from the corrupt sabotage of Europe.
    It has got nothing to do with Orbán, other than he does what’s good for the hungarian people. And thus he gets punished by the disgusting corrupt ”elite” in Brussels.

    Most people have no idea of this of course, most people think the EU is a good thing.

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