The Genetic Atlas: Where You Came From?

The genetic atlas was put together by researchers at University College London and Oxford University and covers 4,000 years of human migration and mating histories for 95 different populations in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America, reports.

According to Motherboard, Humans have a long and super complicated history: Someone became a human in Africa and then started walking, some of us mixed with Neanderthals, others didn’t, some of us hopped across that land bridge in Russia, others headed for Europe instead. A new map helps us make sense of it all and can help tell you where you came from.

The results give us a glimpse into human history. The map will tell you, for example, that the average Hungarian person is 28.6 percent Polish, 25.5 percent Lithuanian, 19.5 percent Cypriot, and 2.6 percent Syrian. An accompanying research paper about the map’s inception was published in Science.

Click here to see the genetic atlas of human admixture history:

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