The new highway between Budapest and Esztergom can make everyday life easier for thousands

The western section of the M0 motorway around Budapest is finally being built. Not in the Buda hills as originally planned, but a little further away. It is renamed into M100 motorway and goes from Bicske to Esztergom. After the construction of the M100, only the northern part of the M0 ring road will be missing, which would be the M10 motorway that will connect Esztergom and Buda.
According to Tamás Schanda, Parliamentary and Strategic Secretary of State at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), “The old and legitimate needs are being met for those living in Esztergom and its region: the M100 motorway is being built! After the public procurement, the contract will be concluded and the work area will be handed over,
so we can lay the foundation stone at the beginning of next year!”
The Secretary of State also emphasised that “the new road will be a huge step forward for the businesses of Esztergom, Dorog and the surrounding settlements, as they will be able to deliver their goods much faster”, adding that “companies here, such as Suzuki, are already employing a lot of people, and better transport and transportation infrastructure can open up new opportunities for them, thus further strengthening the region’s economy.”
Tamás Schanda also pointed out “that families living in the area are equally important. This way they can get to the highway or the capital safer and faster, and those wishing to travel to the wonderful places of Pilis and Gerecse from different parts of the country can get there sooner as well.”
As we reported previously, the growing traffic requires the expansion of Hungarian motorways.
By constructing the M100 highway, the western sector of M0 will be built, as a result of which only the northern part of the M0 ring will be missing.
Accordingly, the northern and western sectors of the M0 would not pass through the Buda hills, the tunnel and nature reserves as originally planned but would be built a little further from Budapest. The M10 would join the Bécsi road in the Solymár area, and it would probably reach the M100 motorway around Kesztölc.
As the Hungarian news portal Portfolio reports, the environmental impact study for the project has been prepared by NIF Ltd. in 2016 for EUR 201,000 (~HUF 72 million), and in January 2018, Constreal Mérnökiroda Ltd. won the contract for the preparation of the environmental impact study, permitting and construction plans for EUR 5.3 million (HUF 1.9 billion). According to the announcement on Monday, after adopting the construction plans and the public procurement, the contract and the handover of the work area can take place, so that the foundation stone can be laid early next year.
Jo’ let volna la’tni egy te’r ke’pet. Nem mindenki ismeri eszt a re’szt. (It would have been good to see a map. This area may not be familiar to everyone.)