This Hungarian film ranked TOP 2 on Netflix

After its successful August film premiere, the inspired producers of Szia, Életem! (Daddy and other wolves) targeted a new group of viewers on Netflix, making this heartwarming comedy available on the streaming service from 30 December 2022. Daddy and other wolves received a 6.6/10 rating on IMDB. In just three days, it reached the second position on the list of the TOP 10 Hungarian movies on Netflix.
Success in the Hungarian film industry
A burnt-out writer’s life is turned upside down when his never-before-seen son walks into his life, as those interested can read on IMDB. The writer is battling a less than 10-day deadline to send his work to the publishing agency. This is hardly the best time in a man’s life to find himself face-to-face with his never-before-seen son knocking at his front door.

The son Samu (Mór Pásztor-Várady) is always nagging Barna (Szabolcs Thuróczy) who is busy trying to keep his career afloat. The unfolding storyline shows the two protagonists’ frequent hospital visits and heartwarming everyday banters that put a smile on the viewers’ faces. The ending does not bring a great surprise though but such light-hearted comedies do not attempt to redeem the film industry anyway, wrote Check out the movie’s official Facebook page below!
Directors Gábor Rohonyi and Csaba Vékes build on the templates of the comedy genre. It is not rocket science to deduce the path that Barna’s character describes, the journey that he and Samu will take, but the important thing is whether this particular adventure will be filled with life and creativity, writes the critic site The plot may be too profane for young viewers though. Apart from that it provides excellent entertainment to the entire family.
“The two actors get along like house on fire and authentically portray the characteristics of a parent-child relationship.”
Here is the official trailer:
Hungarian films among the favourites
The protagonist Szabolcs Thúróczy has a long list of main roles in popular Hungarian films and series under his belt. He plays a corrupt businessman and family guy in the HBO series Aranyélet (Gold Life). In the 2022 series A Besúgó (The Informant), set in communist Hungary, he portrays a policeman in the State Security, who happens to be the father of the informant’s sweetheart.

(Renátó Olasz, Laura Döbrösi, Eszter Ónodi, Szabolcs Thuróczy)
Zoltán Mucsi, another influential figure in the Hungarian film industry, plays the head of the publishing agency in Daddy and other wolves. And we can genuinely say that the directors could not have picked a better person for this role. He previously starred as the protagonist in the comedy series Tóth János which rated a 7.4 on IMDB, and its brother series IrReality Show. He also played in the 1992 cult film Roncsfilm (Junk Film), after which he shot to fame and became a defining figure of Hungarian cinema, along with most of his cast members.
Another celebrated actress in the Hungarian film industry is Eszter Ónodi, who also plays in Aranyélet, but is mostly known for her outstanding theatrical performances as well as for the drama Aglaja and romantic comedy Valami Amerika (A Kind of America). In Korhatáros szerelem (Age of Consent Love), she stars with Patrícia Kovács, known for Válótársak (Divorce Partners) and Félvilág (Demimonde).