This Hungarian man has been suffering from Covid-19 for eight months!

Tamás, a 41-year-old Hungarian man was one of the first ones; the seventeenth confirmed positive case in Hungary – he was infected with coronavirus back in March. He got sick and was fighting for his life for more than ten days and been at home on sick pay ever since.

Tamás’s ordeal has been going on for more than eight months now, due to Covid-19. On 12th March when it turned out he was infected, the ambulance had to take him from Nyíregyháza to Budapest because his condition was worsening so badly – Bors reports.

“If I am not mistaken, I am the seventeenth confirmed positive case. More than a week later, it suddenly became clear that I will be taken to intensive care. Since the intensive care unit of the Szent László Hospital was full by then, they took me to the National Korányi Pulmonology Institute. By that time, I have constantly been suffocating, wearing an oxygen mask that made me sweaty and dizzy all the time.”

“And this was an everyday thing” – he remembers. The next day, Tamás hAd to use a ventilator.

“From the time when I was under anaesthesia, the only thing I remember is having terrible nightmares. All of my dreams felt so real that one time I tore the pipes out of myself. The doctors told my family that I am not going to make it.” – sighs Tamás. He has been on the ventilator for eleven days and then for a couple of days more after waking up. He claims he needed a week to clear his mind.

“I am very grateful to the nurses and the doctors for being patient with me in the intensive care unit. I owe them my life” – says the man while getting emotional. Eventually, he could leave the hospital on 24th April. Since then, more than half a year has passed, but Tamás was still coughing very severely throughout the whole interview, says Bors.

“During my recovery, my condition has improved significantly, but I still do not feel completely well – for a long time, I could even get tired while sitting. Unfortunately, I also developed complications. It caused me an enlarged heart, several smaller areas of my lungs became scarred, and a deep vein thrombosis occurred in my leg, not to mention the frequent headache that I have, the dizziness and the shortness of breath I experience whenever under pressure.” – listed Tamás who by the way is a mechanical engineer. He is still at home on sick pay, but he cannot wait to be able to return to work.

“I ask everyone to take the coronavirus seriously! Let us all comply with the restrictive measures and not overwhelm our health unnecessarily, since it is already under great pressure.”

Source: Bors


  1. If you’re going to attempt to write an article in English, you should at least ensure that the title makes sense.

  2. It sounds like this unfortunate man has what is known as ‘Long Covid’ which affects quite a number of people post Covid. Countries with proper healthcare provision have already started putting in place specialist clinics to monitor and help people with Long Covid, due to the damage that various organs sustain, the heart, the lungs, the pancreas and the kidneys being the ones mainly affected.

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