400 musicians played Pink Floyd, Linkin Park and Amy Winehouse in Dunaújváros – PHOTOS, VIDEOS

In early August, more than 400 musicians and vocalists gathered for the flashmob “CityRocks 2021 – Dunaújváros” to play 12 classic rock hits and sing their ways into the hearts of a captivated audience joining the live act in their thousands.
Drummers, guitarists, bass players, keyboardists, and singers rallied in a field the size of a football pitch not just from each and every corner of Hungary but from foreign lands as far as Germany, Finland, Netherlands, USA, the Romania. Playing shoulder-to-shoulder with professionals, school kids, teens and tweenies, moms and dads, grannies and grandpas – all of them die-hard rock and roll fans – gave
an emotional and unforgettable gig.
Novice rockers, semi-pros, and veterans; the young and the elderly from 8 to 72 had their hearts beat to the same rhythm, no matter if living-room musicians or band members. Cityrocks Productions as the organizer of these series of events considers its mission to raise the banner of live music and rock by unlocking the vast potential in creating a strong, united community of musicians and music lovers.
Witnessing the ever-growing number of participants both in the band and in the audience, seeing the multi-million downloads of their music videos, the organizers decided to bring the event to a different city each year. Such travelling flashmob offers the unique opportunity for the local musicians to play in the biggest band that ever existed in Central Europe and shares with the denizens the special atmosphere and mesmerizing experience of supporting hundreds of musicians playing their favorite songs.
Pink Floyd – Another Brick In The Wall – 400 musicians rock flashmob – CityRocks cover
Linkin Park – New Divide – 400 musicians rock flashmob – CityRocks cover
Amy Winehouse – Rehab – 400 musicians rock flashmob – CityRocks cover