This is how the renovation of the iconic Chain Bridge continues – PHOTO GALLERY

We have published many reports about the ongoing renovation works of Hungary’s iconic Chain Bridge. The project started in June 2021 because experts said in 2019 that the bridge was no longer safe. The leadership of Budapest plans to inaugurate the renewed bridge in 2023 at the latest. That is because they would like to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Budapest’s birth with the new Chain Bridge.

As we reported before, the Hungarian A-Híd Ltd. is renovating the patinated capital bridge. The company with the largest Hungarian bridge-building history won the public tender for the project for a net amount of EUR 52.9 million (~HUF 18.8 billion). Within the framework of the renovation, the following works will be carried out:

  • the road surface will be completely reconstructed;
  • the remaining steel structures will be repaired and provided with corrosion protection;
  • the pedestrian barriers will be renovated;
  • bridge accessories (bridge shoes, expansion elements, walkways) will be renewed;
  • stone lions, stone coats of arms, stone inscriptions, and stone surfaces will be renovated;
  • the ventilation structures on the Buda side will be modernised;
  • the insulation of both the Buda and Pest anchoring chambers will be renewed;
  • the flood protection system of the chambers will also be built.
Chain Bridge Budapest
Chain Bridge under reconstruction. Photo: Magyar Építők

They will also take care of the riverbed arrangement while working with the highest quality and greatest care on the 172-year-old monument. This phase will include the Danube riverbed and the modernisation of navigational signals (construction of active radar), the reconstruction of pedestrian underpasses and stairs, and the renovation and utilisation of bridgeheads.

Chain Bridge Budapest
Photo: Magyar Építők

According to Magyar Építők, the contractors showed the progress they made and shared details about the current phases. They also included how the extreme cold weather affects their work. In December, work was finished by putting the last steel track plate into place. 

Magyar Építők said that the workers use technologies adequate for the weather. Furthermore, they try to progress with project elements that can be completed under the surface, inside the bastions or in the chain tunnel. For example, they provide heated tents for their workers to weld. As a result,

they can work without any interruption.

The contractors are adapting the working conditions and working environment to the winter, the strong wind, the freezing temperatures, and the early dusk.

In the heated tents, they continuously provide the necessary temperature. As a result, they can pre-heat the materials they use. Beneath the bridge, they also created heated areas to continue correcting the defects of the bridge structure. Those working outdoors are provided more time to spend in heated areas and can receive hot drinks. Of course, A-Híd calculated with the cold weather. Thus,

they planned the elements of the project to be carried out during winter.

On the Pest side, they are working in the chain tunnel and chamber. There, they are completing the corrosion protection of the structure. They started injecting in the chain chamber and tunnel on the Buda side. This means that the coating will defend the material from getting wet.

The contractors

already put the first elements of the new sidewalk in their place.

They will build 100 of them between the two pillars of the bridge. Most of these units are ready, and many are already on site. Furthermore, they built a new inspection walkway under the bridge. That will be crucial for the bridge master, who will do the prescribed analysis by walking on it.

Chain Bridge Budapest
Photo: Magyar Építők

Additional elements of the project include:

  • building new tunnels for pedestrians and bikers in the Pest and Buda bridgeheads;
  • renewing the limestone coating of the bastions and tunnels;
  • on the Pest side, they are working on scaffolding the front gate.

Additional photos of the Chain Bridge revamp:

Special thanks to Magyar Építők for allowing us to use their photos.

Source: Magyar Építők, DNH

One comment

  1. We miss her.
    The Chain Bridge – loved and adored by not just us Hungraians but the Tourist who visit our nations Capital.
    It is an Historical landmark in Budapest, and Europe – and never forgotten by those who view her, walk or ride – travel in buses or cars – across her.
    Don’t know why I refer the Chain Bridge as Her and apologize if readers find it sexually offensive.
    Bus 16 which I frequently use from Deak Ferenc ter over to Szell Kalman and back – will return after the completion of these much needed renovations.
    Thank-You to the highly skilled workers – Men & Women – see I’m not sexist ha ha – who have completed the renovations to date which are looking quite Magnificent.
    Stay Safe & Well – All.
    The Fruits of your Labour – when the Chain Bridge is re-opened – will reflect the quality of your Work and bring re-newed PLEASURE – to ALL.

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