Transparency International: Hungary is the second most corrupt EU country
![Budapest Parliament Hungary Danube](
Transparency International published its corruption report.
Hungary is the second most corrupt country in the European Union, according to the recently published corruption report of Transparency International.” The international organisation calculates the Corruption Perceptions Index of countries every year using 13 different surveys. States are scored on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 indicating the least corruption and 0 the highest.” – writes 444.
In 2021, Hungary scored 43 points on the list. In the EU, only Bulgaria performed worse with 42 points. Out of 180 countries, Hungary is number 73 on the list, while Bulgaria is at place 78. This is the lowest score that Hungary has ever gotten.
Denmark, Finland and New Zealand lead the global list with 88 points, and Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany are also in the top 10. South Sudan is the most corrupt country, according to the list.
This was not the first time that Hungary was viewed in a negative light by an international organisation.
As we formerly wrote, Human Rights Watch harshly criticised the country. The organization expressed concerns about the LGBTQ community’s situation, the hardships independent media faces, negative discrimination against gypsies, the fact that acquiring a refugee status is almost impossible in the country, the Pegasus spyware, issues in the healthcare system, educational and workplace discrimination, and defamation campaigns against human rights defenders. They also condemned that regulatory governance has been still in place due to the prolongation of the crisis
Bernadett Szél, an independent member of the parliament also expressed how difficult it has become to get access to public interest data. “As an independent member of the parliament, recently we have spent more time at court, than in the Hungarian Parliament. We see that the restraining or delayed transfer of public interest data is making it almost impossible to inspect the politics of the government.” – the politician explained.
Source: 444, DNH
The expression and perceived wisdom is that “a fish rots from the head down”.
Only second most corrupt? Not good. I am sure that, if re-elected, Mr. Orbán will fix that. Orbánistan must be number one!
This almost funny – I guess they decide what is corruption and make up there own 1-100 scale- the fact they mention LGBS as factor tells its all. Not acknowledging that Hungary thinks 57 genders and children can select their own gender and refuse to be bullied is corruption according to them -they must of scored it 50 points. Give us more corruption and less BSC people – who are dictators if you have a different option.
Some don’t understand this post jump into bashing orban, I believe they want hungary to be like Sweden. Hungary is far better than all those western nuts, that has no go zones because of migrants they employed that can’t assimolate into their country Sweden is doomed. All hail orban
What corruption is Human Rights Watch is talking about? Protecting children should be considered as a plus. Hungary does have laws protecting LGBT members. Spy ware, when used judicially is a protection against foreign dictatorship. It is not a negative. The US spies on ordinary citizens, FBI breaks down the doors of old man and frightens families. Judges approve FISA fake arrest warrants.
Hungary protects its citizens by keeping out illiterate, criminal aliens. These people do not hurt people nor do they force taxpayers to support them for many years.
The most important asset of democracy in Hungary is free speech, which is not available in the rest of the EU and US.
Human Rights group was probably paid by globalist for their opinions.
This ”Transparency International” list is pure propaganda. It’s a globalist controlled entity who’s purpous is only to discredit the best countries in EU, and also make people in really corrupt countries like Sweden f.e. think that their country is great.
If you think Hungary is corrupt, move to Sweden and get some perspective.
As a swede who moved his whole family to a foreign country, I know what I’m talking about.
If you think Sweden is so great? Move there, please, don’t ruin Hungary too..