Trump and Orbán can only achieve peace in Ukraine?

There is a need for ceasefire and peace, and the leaders best suited to achieve it are Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán, Miklós Szánthó, the head of Hungary’s Center for Fundamental Rights, said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC, on Friday evening.

Szánthó warned of the unprecedented dangers “the cult of woke” presented to life today.

“The cult of woke …. are a clear and present danger to our way of life and even our security,” Szánthó said. “Woke is just a new form of communism,” he said, adding that “it is a civilisational threat, too.”

“Mass illegal migration waters down the political power of those voters who still remember what the American dream and European prosperity once were. And with its gender ideology, the new left … targets children … undermines the family which is the cornerstone of our societies,” he said.

Szánthó said “gender ideology, cancel culture, rejection of the divine and illegal mass migration are insidious, but slow acting poisons that seek to paralyse the nation and the body politic”.

He said Hungary was “a pain in the liberals’ neck because we stand firm on God, homeland and the family, and we do not allow George Soros to interfere in our domestic issues by giving millions to his liberal comrades”, and repeated the slogan of the Hungarian right wing: “No migration! No gender! No war!”

Szánthó called for stopping the wokeists and setting up the global network of anti-globalist forces, which he said CPAC would also pursue at its next event in Budapest in April.

Read also:

  • Orbán and Trump, the saviours of the world – HERE is the story of our featured image
  • President Trump: Orbán is the boss – VIDEOS and more in THIS article

Hungarian government: War has only brought human suffering

The war between Russia and Ukraine that has now been going on for two years has only resulted in human suffering, Csaba Dömötör, state secretary of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, said on Saturday. Marking the second anniversary of the outbreak of the war, Dömötör said the end of the conflict was not yet in sight.

“But what we can see is that the consequences have been dramatic,” he said in a video on Facebook, noting that hundreds of thousands have died, millions have fled their homes, and “the war has only brought human suffering”. He added that the economic impact of the war was also severe, and not just for the warring sides.

Dömötör said Europe had been “dragged into a miscalculated sanctions policy” that had only resulted in more hardship rather than bringing an end to the war, arguing that the sanctions had resulted in higher energy prices and soaring inflation in Europe, “while Russia hasn’t been brought to its knees”.

Left chose war, government says

Hungary, he said, was also feeling the growing economic burdens, “as the country is under constant pressure to provide more financial support worth billions for the war”.

Dömötör said the past two years had shown that the conflict could not be settled on the battlefield, underlining the government’s repeated call for peace.

Meanwhile, Tamás Menczer, the state secretary for bilateral relations of the foreign ministry, said deciding between war and peace was “a very serious choice”, but the Hungarian government had chosen peace, while the left had chosen war.

Menczer said in a video on Facebook that the Hungarian left would send weapons to the war, “and those who send weapons already have one foot in the conflict”.

He called for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire and peace talks.



  1. Two possibilities explain Hungary’s (Orban’s) actions so far….

    First – he wants russia to win and to carve up Ukraine like a turkey and toss him a slice so he can go down in history as the leader who ‘reversed’ Trianon.

    Two – russia owns him.

    No other explanation seems to fit.

    Which is it?

  2. Interview with Professor Justin Bronk.

    Warning – RUSI definitely has a bias, being closely linked with the British State (very Sovereign and anti-woke, though) and military establishment. However, the points he raises from 1:01.50 on are clear and persuasive:

    A “peace” on Russian terms will likely trigger … More refugees. And a fickle neighbor. And an emboldened Mr. Putin with a military complex firing on all cylinders. Be careful what you wish for.

  3. Can somebody explain what “woke-ism” is? If it’s about caring about others especially those who are less fortunate, isn’t that also a Christian thing? Is Fidesz breaking with KDNP?

    And how is it that Hungary has chosen “peace” by sticking its head in the sand? The war in Ukraine isn’t something that Ukraine started. It’s the opposite. Are those in power saying that if we just bend over, there’ll be peace? Or is it the opposite. Are they claiming that Ukraine caused this by chasing out a government that upon taking power, reversed itself and wanted to say, “okay” to Russian oligarchs who wanted UA to continue the Russian kleptocratic model? UA took a stand against cronyism. I recall learning in history class that Orban once campaigned for the same thing.

    This all sounds like Revisionist History.

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