Uber – The Community Taxi Service in Hungary

You can directly book the taxi nearest you, which makes the ride much cheaper. Currently, Uber can be used in more than 220 cities of 45 countries; from now on, the service is also available in Hungary. Uber is a new type of online-based passenger service, a kind of community taxi stand. With the help of an application, the taxi driver can be directly called.

The advantage is that we can call the taxi driver nearest to us. The disadvantage is that not professional taxi drivers can register into the system. Uber promotes its service with cheaper rides – according to their own data, this could mean a saving of 40%.
Why do people choose Uber? As opposed to traditional taxi rides, there is no need for cash or card. The price of the ride is deducted from the passenger’s account. According to the information of the company, 80% of the price goes to the taxi driver and 20% to Uber for the mediation.

As an answer to the protests against Uber, the company stated that future drivers will be screened and monitored. Registration as a driver is only possible with a valid driving license and an own vehicle. Criminal records are needed, and it is checked whether the person has caused an accident before.

A few months ago, taxi drivers in Budapest stated that they are not afraid of the appearance of Uber. Whether this kind of taxi booking means a strong competition, it will turn out.
Abroad, many taxi drivers protest against Uber

The cause is that taxi companies might be at risk and they can suffer from a significant financial loss. They also drove the attention to the fact that with the use of Uber, it will be difficult to filter hyena taxi drivers.

based on article of szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu
translated by Vivien Pásztai

Source: http://szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu/

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