The Debrecen main railway station to be renovated – Photos

A cooperation agreement was signed by the municipality of Debrecen and the National Infrastructure Development (NID) Inc. about the development of the main railway station in Debrecen. According to, the document was signed by Mayor László Papp and Róbert Attila Nagy, the managing director of NID.

László Papp called the 21 billion forints EU funded and home supported development one of the biggest investments in the history of Debrecen. The trace of main road N°4 and the twenty thousand m2 bus station will be put underground.

Executive works will start next spring and the new railway station will be inaugurated in 2019. László Tasó, the Ministry of National Development’s under-secretary responsible for transport policy, said that after the development of Kelenföld railway station in Budapest, the Debrecen railway station will be the second intermodal transport investment in Hungary. Similar developments are under preparation in Nyíregyháza, Kaposvár, Miskolc, Tatabánya, Eger and Székesfehérvár. The resources are ensured by the government in all cases.

Debrecen, 2016. október 5. Kombóképen a debreceni Petõfi tér 2016. október 5-én (felül) és debreceni polgármesteri hivatal által közreadott látványterv a debreceni fõpályaudvarról és a Petõfi térrõl. Ezen a napon a debreceni fõpályaudvar fejlesztésére kötött együttmûködési megállapodást a debreceni önkormányzat és a Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési (NIF) Zrt., a dokumentumot a városházán írta alá Papp László (Fidesz-KDNP) polgármester és Nagy Róbert Attila, a NIF Zrt. vezérigazgatója. MTI Fotó: Czeglédi Zsolt

Before – After

The area of the railways station is Debrecen’s busiest junction and traffic will probably grow even more in the upcoming years. Lajos Kósa, the parliament floor leader of Fidesz and Debrecen’s former mayor, called the development “the investment of the future”.

It was said earlier that even though the main railway station will be modern, with the reconstruction of Petőfi Square they plan on evoking the pre-WWII Debrecen, which dissolved in the cataclysm. At the time László Tasó said that he envied the designers, because they can make their dreams come true trough designing. “The Debrecen main railway station will be the symbol of the civil settlement programme.”

Debrecen, 2016. október 5. Kombóképen a debreceni Petõfi tér 2016. október 5-én (felül) és debreceni polgármesteri hivatal által közreadott látványterv a debreceni fõpályaudvarról és a Petõfi térrõl. Ezen a napon a debreceni fõpályaudvar fejlesztésére kötött együttmûködési megállapodást a debreceni önkormányzat és a Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési (NIF) Zrt., a dokumentumot a városházán írta alá Papp László (Fidesz-KDNP) polgármester és Nagy Róbert Attila, a NIF Zrt. vezérigazgatója. MTI Fotó: Czeglédi Zsolt

Before – After

The plans of the new station were made by the Archiko Kft. and Lengyel Építész Műterem Kft. The planned railway station will be built on 150 thousand m2 with the reconstruction of the current building and the creation of transport and green zones. They also plan on building a 390 spaced, three floored parking garage. The new buildings would give space to offices, dispatcher service, and entertainment and catering units. The development will ease and quicken the movement of people arriving in, travelling through, and leaving Debrecen.

Photos: MTI

Copy editor: bm


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