Media Council: Opposition Klubrádio has every chance of success in its bid for 92.9 MHz

Private broadcaster Klubrádio has every chance of success in its bid for the 92.9 MHz frequency in Budapest, the supervisory board of Hungary’s media authority said on Monday.

The Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) told MTI in a statement that the call for tender for the Budapest frequency for community use was up on its website and available for comment.

The licence of the station popular with opposition listeners expires next February, the statement noted, adding that criteria for a successful bid include experience in providing a media service.

Klubradio, having already broadcast on the 92.9 MHz frequency, has a built-in advantage in this respect, the statement added.

Earlier today the Media Council announced that it had recently won a court case against Klubradio. The broadcaster sued the council back in 2015 for damages of 1,4 billion forints (EUR 3.93m), arguing that their legal dispute had brought about a major decline in its incomes. The court ruled, however, that the methods of calculation Klubradio based its claim on were “incorrect and unrealistic”.

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Source: MTI

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