Work at a Christmas fair, earn 3500 Euros

Where Christmas is celebrated, the Christmas fairs are always beloved and full of visitors each year. Employers have started to look for this year’s employees to work in those tiny little wooden cabins, and they do not skimp. Pénzcentrum investigated exactly how much money one can earn working at one of the Christmas fairs.

The Christmas season is much longer than the holiday itself, and Christmas fairs are booming from the end of November to the beginning of January. Employers are in desperate need for hard-working, sturdy workers who can stand the cold.

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Christmas fair workers are needed not only in Hungary, but in other European countries as well, especially in the United Kingdom. People from all over Europe are welcome to work at the fairs, but a really strong knowledge of English is, of course, an important requirement.

The job description is pretty much the same in Hungary as it is in the UK, but the pay, to no one’s surprise, is extremely different.

Pénzcentrum inquired about a job opportunity at a potential employer in the UK. The establishment serves chocolate covered fruits at one of the fairs in London. People need to work 6 days a week and cover quite long shifts, as they need to work from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. However, travel and accommodation expenses are covered.

The most attractive feature of the job is the salary: at this particular establishment, workers get paid 6 pounds (6.7 Euros) per hour, which means that a person who can work 42 days during the season can earn up to EUR 3500.

There are open opportunities in other cities as well, such as Belfast, Exeter or Salisbury. Salaries are very high in the other cities as well, workers can earn EUR 1360 per month, and people are needed from the middle of October to the end of December. The cost of travel is usually covered, and free accommodation is provided. Besides speaking English fluently, potential workers also need to be nice, hard-working and sturdy.

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In Hungary, roughly the same job pays about half the amount.

At the Christmas fairs in Budapest, employees also work 8-10 hours a day in the cold, but the usual daily pay is only 40 Euros plus commission.

It means that here in Budapest, people can earn EUR 1400 in 35 days.

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One comment

  1. I wanna do these job, but my class is from Monday to Friday. I have only weekend to work. If available, I want to do job in weekends.

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