Unexpected turn of events: EC sends Hungary EUR 1 billion

The European Commission has approved EUR 1 billion in EU funding for Hungary.
The European Commission has approved the government’s amendment to the Recovery and Resilience Instrument, submitted in August, giving Hungary access to around EUR 1 billion in EU funding for the development of the RePowerEU chapter, Portfolio reports.
The first instalments of this amount are expected to arrive in early 2024. This is before Hungary meets the milestones set out in the rule of law procedure. The disbursement can only start after approval by EU finance ministers, with details to follow.
Questions remain
The European Commission confirmed the approval in an official statement on its website, stressing that the 27 super-milestones to protect the EU’s financial interests and strengthen the independence of the judiciary remain unchanged in the revised Hungarian plan.
Hungary’s EUR 4.6 billion REPowerEU chapter includes 13 new reforms and 16 investments.
Tibor Navracsics, Minister for Spatial Development and EU Funds, reporting on the staff meeting of the State Secretariat for European Union Developments, said that “we have 50,000 successful projects behind us, and there are even more to look forward to in the coming years”.
…beware of Greeks bringing gifts…remember the Trojan horse…
Yes, it could be a Trojan, likely more an Olive branch i’m hoping as the west don’t understand history very much. Going with the assumption of 0 GDP in the west and the ILLEGAL migrant upsurge, i would guess that some groups have decided to cozy up with no answers available. I’m sure Central EU can oblige to a degree, but not with any past rhetoric of west on major issues.
Zip your dirty mouth about Greeks, You are just a fascist Trojan horse of the authoritarian Orban regime.