Unique plane departed from Budapest – here is why

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks with Sadyr Japarov, the president of Kyrgyzstan, in Budapest on Tuesday, his press chief said.

The war in Ukraine was a major topic discussed at the talks which was attended by several ministers of the Hungarian cabinet, Bertalan Havasi told MTI. They were in agreement that a peaceful solution needed to be found and that the sanctions imposed by Brussels pose serious difficulties for European as well as for Asian countries.

The sides to the talks established that good bilateral political ties will strengthen economic and trade cooperation.

Orbán and Japarov:

Orbán Japarov visit Budapest
Orbán and Japarov. Photo: MTI

Orbán said the approach of decision-makers in Brussels should be “far less bureaucratic” as regards developing ties between the EU and Kyrgyzstan, and the whole of central Asia, arguing that “the region is of strategic importance for Europe, and the whole world, in terms of security and economic development”. Orbán accepted an invitation extended by Japarov to visit Bishkek, Havasi said.

The President of Kyrgyzstan left Hungary at 4.50 pm. Here are some photos of his unique jet:

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