Urania is one of the world’s most beautiful cinemas

According to mno.hu, Urania National Film Theatre is among the most beautiful cinemas in the world in an online vote.

In addition to beds, there are many attempts with which cinemas try to make the experience more memorable. Boredpanda.com ranked the 15 most beautiful cinemas in the world.

The bed cinema of the Olympia Msuic Hall is in the first place, but there are other extraordinary cinemas as well. For example, Life of Pi can be watched from a boat, with a lifejacket on.

Hungarians can also be proud: Urania National Film Theatre with its imposing hall is located at the 3. place.

Among others, the Hungarian cinema overtakes cinemas from Madrid, München, Detroit and Brisbane.

based on article of mno.hu
translated by Vivien Pásztai

Photo: hd.urania-nf.hu

Source: http://mno.hu/

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