Urban shopping guide: the 30 best cities, including Budapest
Based on 6 criteria, ShopAlike compiled a list, an urban shopping guide evaluating 30 major cities of the world, writes szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu. The Hungarian capital city made it to the list and got ranked 30th.
ShopAlike.hu is a product aggregator present in 19 different countries all around the world, including Hungary. It is operated by the Berlin-based Visual Meta GmbH, and mainly aims to collect the numerous products related to fashion, beauty and interior design in one place, where the customers can easily check and compare them.
Therefore, with all the information they provide, they make it somewhat easier for shoppers to get a hold of the desired product and make the right decision, however, the site does not deal with retail or sales. They only provide a platform, an individual infrastructure to reach the supplies of different online stores.
The fashion experts at ShopAlike gathered together to help those who are particularly fond of fashion, traveling, and looking for extraordinary shopping experiences. Thus, they came up with a list lining up the 30 best cities for shopping adventures.
The list is rather an interactive guide helping the future-visitors of the city to plan their shopping spree and read the tips and advices of the local experts. Hence, they get informed about the must-visit places, the novelties  and all the wonderful sights, at the same time.
In order to be able to collect the 30 cities the ShopAlikers contacted 33 international bloggers and used the materials of more than 300 sources. Budapest became featured on the list, at the 29th place out of 30, but it got mentioned among the very bests, which is certainly cool.
Surprisingly or not, the top 3 cities for shopping are London, New York and Paris, which places often host the significant shopping scenes of movies, where the characters are going out for a shopping spree. The list lines up the descriptions of 60 designer shops, 30 malls, and 30 shopping streets and other locations that are also marked on the website’s map.
Photo: shopalike.hu/Budapest
Copy editor: bm
Source: szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu, shopalike.hu
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