VIDEO: Americans outraged by Orbán since he called the USA an adversary of Hungary!

The US Embassy in Budapest issued a statement today reflecting on Vladimir Putin’s full-scale attack in Ukraine that started one year ago. David Pressman thanked Hungary for taking care of the refugees of the war. But Pressman also reflected on PM Orbán’s words, saying that the USA does not mean a threat to Hungary.

Three main adversaries of Hungary, among them the Americans?

Hungary’s prime minister identified three main adversaries of Hungary in his closed-door speech to the parliamentary groups of the ruling parties, Fidesz and KDNP, Hungary’s Christian democratic party. PM Orbán identified three threats to Hungary, according to the Magyar Nemzet, a government-close daily.  They are the following ones:

  • international interest groups in favour of the war. Among these, there is the Biden administration, the bureaucrats in Brussels and the pro-war politicians;
  • the “dollar-leftists” led by former prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány, the leader of the Democratic Coalition, Hungary’s strongest opposition party momentarily. He also said that the leftist opposition in Hungary “was bought” by foreign powers;
  • international speculators aiming to gain wealth even utilising the war.

And that is when Ambassador David Pressman and the American embassy in Budapest intervened. Below, you may read their statement:

“Today marks one year since Russia launched its brutal, unjustifiable, full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In a video message to the Hungarian people marking this bitter anniversary, Ambassador David Pressman said: “Amid this nightmare, brave Ukrainians continue to prove their courage to defend their country, to stand up for their freedom, and – ultimately – to achieve a peace that is comprehensive, just, and lasting. And they deserve our full support.”

Stand by Ukraine

The American people will continue to stand by Ukraine in the face of Russia’s assault on liberty and democracy. The Ambassador continued: “The United States will, as we have done for decades, continue to stand for the dream of a Ukraine whole, free, and at peace, alongside our Allies and partners, and now with the brave people of Ukraine, for as long as it takes.”

Our European Allies and partners continue to rise to the challenge of this decisive moment. We commend those who have welcomed more than five million refugees across their borders, including Hungary.

This week, Prime Minister Orbán reportedly identified the United States – Hungary’s Ally – as one of three threats facing the country. In his State of the Nation address, the Prime Minister asserted that Hungary is in the “peace camp.” But there is not a “peace camp” and a “war camp.” There is only Russia and those who will not acknowledge its accountability for continuing this war, and those who support Ukraine’s right and ability to defend its sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. In his State of the Nation address, the Prime Minister named several U.S. officials, but he entirely omitted the name of the one person who could end this senseless war today: Vladimir Putin.”

Orbán was brave in 1989

Below you may find Mr Pressman’s video in which he did not mention PM Orbán. However, the recording contains several images depicting the ongoing horrors in Ukraine and how the Hungarians fought for their independence against Russia (the Soviet Union) and the Communists in 1956. Furthermore, there is also a photo of the young Viktor Orbán, who, in 1989, demanded the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Hungary. The speech then was brave since nobody dared to mention such things in June 1989 even though most people agreed that Hungary should regain its sovereignty.

Nobody was sure that the Cold War would end and that Hungary could be released from the Soviet block, even though there were ongoing talks about a peaceful transition between the Communist Party and the opposition movements. Let us not forget the fact that there was still a Soviet Union, Gorbachev was a strong leader of that superpower and most Socialist countries, like Romania or East Germany, were under strict Communist rule then. Thus, demanding the Soviet troops leave Hungary ASAP was an act of bravery then because people remembered the Prague Spring when Soviet, Hungarian, Polish and other troops crushed the Czech reform movement.



  1. Fortunately, Hungary find himself in the western bloc today, but it’s needless to say that Hungary was left abandoned when fought for their freedom and against Communist oppression back then in 1956.
    Something very sad and trully outraging.

  2. The US is definitely a threat to Hungary. Every dollar sent to opposition parties to buy votes, every time Pressman tries to subvert judges or make derogatory statement of the Hungarian Government is a threat to law and order. The US and Pressman should not be surprised that Hungarians can interpret the US’s plot to give control of the economy to globalists and power to socialists. The US has a hard time accepting conservatism and a country with laws based on Judeo-Christian principals. The US has also a difficult time to deal with countries that protect its borders, put the interest of its citizens first and maintains its sovereignty.

  3. The U.S. is a threat to Orban and his “arrangement” here. The U.S. is NOT a threat to Hungary. There is a reason that a U.S. president has a statue in the park, it is the U.S. continued support for the countries it helped free from Russia after 1989.

  4. Victor Orban – excels at “adding fuel to the fire.”
    The “widening” rift, between the United States of America, bought on by there KNOWLEDGE of the behaviour and agenda of Victor Orban, there will be just one MASSIVE winner.
    Orban – it’s evident, the list of country’s he has destroyed in RELATIONSHIPS – that the United States of America, will not, RIGHTFULLY tolerate, his Political ideas and philosophy – AGENDA.
    Orban – we KNOW the European Union correctness of way, getting the MESSAGE to Victor Orban and his Government, which Hungary is paying a HEFTY price, in its already collapsing Economy.
    You tread choose a dangerous path, taking continuously, an attitude of “Shooting from the Hip.”
    Orban – suffers from, which though present in his behaviour pre February 2020 – has gravely worsened that has mortally damaged the brand name Hungary.
    Orban – as the CRISIS worsens in Hungary, his reactionary measures, decisions of communication and style tone, continues, without thought through consideration, of consequences that can and are in FACT coming back at him and Hungary, for his “Self” belief that he is the Messiah of Hungary, Europe and the Global World.
    Who RESPECTS – the current Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban?
    The growing number of DESTROYED relationships with country’s – long standing – especially those Governed under DEMOCRACY, comes back, his OWNERSHIP, to be worn by Victor Orban.

  5. As a Hungarian, i’m proud we have a Prime MInister will balls, and i dont mean some lefty party fiasco. Victor calls them as they see them. The US is divided, and have their extremist thugs in the media and anywhere else left they can still try to get the common guy to listen to their woke agendas. I’m glad we have a population that kept the truth and brought back out the history books from before 39 that we can still read and get the facts. The lefties dont possess this truth but try to write their MODERN day hsitory books on Facebooks and Twitter, HA! HA! Congrats! Victor on your 4th consecutive win for being a smart student and Minister for the population!

  6. @”Modern Man”:
    As a “Hungarian”, you’d also know that the name Victor is written as “ViKtor” in Hungarian. 😀

  7. US turned on his back to Hungary in 1956. Hungary was treated as a “disposable” piece of land, as well as its people.

  8. I moved to Eastern Europe 11 years ago – spoke only English. It was clear the Obama regime along with the EU were working to remove the the Ukraine 2 time elected president in name of democracy and cutting off the Russia acress to it navel base. The US is 10 times the power of Russia – imajine what it is to these smaller countries. The same people running the show from Obama are back as the Biden crime family. 70% of US nolonger supports the war after spending 200 BILLION of taxpayers money- they impeached then president because he dare ask about the millions being paid to the Biden crime family that we now have bank records- people at the top knew it way back then but along with media would never address. Don’t blame pressman, he is just a loyal shill for the corruption. The death toll has reached 500 thousands. Young Ukrainian know they are victims of political corruption -and for what?- so victoria nuland can say she saved Ukraine. Even if you did the blood is on US hands and once leader of free world.

  9. USA? Evil empire killed millions and millions people worldwide starting with a native’s American Indian and so on….with some exemptions all previous USA 🇺🇸 president should be arrested and prosecuted for war crime

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