VIDEO: Hungarian climber on 9th highest peak: Go Transylvania! Go Partium!

Csaba Varga, a mountaineer from Oradea, Transylvania, Romania, climbed the world’s 9th highest mountain, Nanga Parbat, without the help of an oxygen tank and successfully descended it. The climber made a 3-minute video at 8125 metres.

Csaba Varga, the extreme sportsman, took a camera with him to the summit. The Facebook page Hazajáró has published the footage that Varga took at an altitude of 8125 metres above sea level.

According to the Hungarian caption, among other things, he says that he has reached the summit and that it was really hard. He then says “Hajrá Erdély! Hajrá Partium! Hajrá Székelyföld! Hajrá Felvidék, Anyaország, Délvidék, Kárpátalja és Őrvidék!” This translates to:

“Go Transylvania! Go Partium! Go Szeklerland! Go Upper Hungary, Mother Country, Southern Land, Transcarpathia and Burgenland!”

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