VIDEO, PHOTOS: Disgusting scenes from a restaurant in Budapest

The Chinese fast-food restaurant, named MeiLiChing suspended its operations after the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal) investigation found terrible conditions in the kitchen. Severe safety breaches were recorded by Nébih which are not just disgusting, but also dangerous.
The restaurant is located at 17 Budafoki Street near the BME university campus. Many university students went to this establishment daily for a meal. Now food safety is taken very seriously in Hungary, but the conditions in the restaurant were more than disgusting. 95.3 kilograms of food was withdrawn from circulation — reports The penalty and proceedings are still under decision.
According to the regulation, without a unitary scullery, they could have only used non-reusable dishes. Instead, they washed these dishes at the service desk. The meat preparation faucet was dismounted and in the sink, other foods or electric instruments were stored, preventing them from normal usage. Before usage, all the preparation items should have been sterilised, especially in the case of meat preparation, but this did not happen.

The sink in the kitchen was clogged up and the sewage water just stalled. The heating desk was not turned on. In the freezer, all the different food items were stored together, even though they require different hygienic treatments. While for the preparation of noodles, they used a construction mixer. Even the cooked and uncooked meat items were stored together. The walls and the ceiling were discoloured with a dark grey stain because of the grease and oil.

From the video of Nébih, we can see the disgusting conditions. The report does not even mention missing pieces and cracks in the wall. The freezers were rusty and cleaning was certainly not a regular activity. Food items were stored on the ground in buckets and pallets. The construction mixer was not the only instrument from a construction site in the kitchen. Expiration dates were also not taken into account as many expired food items were found. Also, the kitchen itself rather looks like a disorganised house than a proper restaurant.

Where they a CASH only – Chinese operation ???
It appears – FINALLY – complaints from customers, locals and tourist, had the payment for Chinese/Asian produce RIGHTFULLY changed from CASH only to NOW – either Cash or Credit Card.
This high profiled Chinese / Asian produce super-market, that we have frequented for over (3) three years, regrettable paying cash only, is located on Rakoczi ter.
District Councils – department REASPONSIBLE to ensure LAWS are practiced, in regards to the subject of the article, they are there, paid for out of our TAXES, to enforce & “police” – that the VILENESS of this restaurant – are CLOSED down of Fined – for the noncompliance of LAWS under the Health & Food Standard Act.
Hopefully, the department within this District Council – there NEGILGENCE – get SANCTIONED – Reprimanded, for being “blind sighted” – to a food outlet, Chinese operated, in a HIGH profiled location, that has been permitted under “there watch” – to OPERATE.
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