Visegrad Group country citizens back neither Weber nor Timmermans – Survey

The majority of citizens of Visegrad Group (V4) countries support neither European Peoples Party lead candidate for the post of European Commission president Manfred Weber nor Socialist candidate Frans Timmermans, according to a Nézőpont poll released on Tuesday.
Fully 80 percent of Czechs, Poles, Hungarians and Slovakians back neither politician and 42 percent expressed a clear preference for the option of an alternative candidate.
Only 11 percent expressed a clear preference for Weber while 9 percent did the same for Timmermans.
Nézőpont said Visegrad Four leaders enjoyed a strong mandate in Brussels, based on the outcome of the EP election. Moreover, none of them were bound to any of the top candidates, it added.
NézÅ‘pont’s survey was conducted between May 27 and June 7 in the Visegrad countries with a total sample of 2,000 people, 500 from each country.
As we wrote on May, Orbán cabinet is not backing either the European People’s Party’s Manfred Weber or the Social Democrats’ Frans Timmermans for the role of European Commission president, read more HERE.
Source: MTI