The White House: “Hungary has engaged in an assault on democratic institutions”

Hungary took centre stage at a recent White House press conference, drawing the attention of journalists seeking insights from Senior National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Despite initial reluctance, Sullivan reiterated the US stance on democracy and corruption, sparking a fiery exchange on Thursday morning with Hungary’s Péter Szijjártó, who accused Sullivan of spreading falsehoods.

Deepening rift between Hungary and the US

As Index writes, tension has been growing between Hungary and the United States, as highlighted by a recent meeting between Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán and former US President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Joe Biden’s criticism of Trump’s meeting with Orbán only added fuel to the fire:

You know who he’s meeting with today, down in Mar-a-Lago? Orbán of Hungary, who stated flatly he doesn’t think democracy works and is looking for dictatorship.

As we have reported HERE, the Hungarian government summoned the US ambassador over President Joe Biden’s recent remark on PM Viktor Orbán. FM Péter Szijjártó said, “We refuse to tolerate lies, even from the President of the United States.”

Trump Orbán
Photo: FB/Orbán

Jake Sullivan questioned about Biden’s comment

As Index also notes, during the White House press conference, tension peaked as reporters pressed Sullivan on Biden’s earlier statement. Heinrich asked, “Is it the position of the United States government that Hungary, a NATO Ally, is a dictatorship?” Sullivan was reluctant to answer. However, he stated clearly that the Biden administration has always had ‘deep concerns’ about “democratic institutions, including the judiciary; Hungary’s corruption; and other erosion of democracy in Hungary from the leadership there.”

While Sullivan thought this answer had put an end to the matter, it was not the case. Jacqui Heinrich persisted in asking whether Hungary was deemed a dictatorship. Sullivan advised Heinrich to direct such queries to the campaign. Ultimately, Sullivan concluded the discussion by stating:

As I said before, our position is that Hungary has engaged in an assault on democratic institutions, and that remains a source of grave concern to us. And I take it from your question it may be of grave concern to you as well.


The Hungary issue resurfaced later during questioning by Peter Baker, The New York Times’ White House correspondent. He noted the summoning of the US Pressman by Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and queried whether the president regretted his earlier remarks in light of this development. Additionally, he sought Sullivan’s response to Szijjártó’s accusation of Biden’s dishonesty. Sullivan addressed these queries:

Of course, the President stands firmly behind his statement, and I’m not retracting it. Our position aligns completely with the facts you’ve presented and is well-documented, contrary to any falsehoods.

FM Szijjártó’s response

FM Szijjártó wasted no time in responding to the press conference and Sullivan’s assertions. Taking to Facebook, he wrote: “Jake Sullivan’s remarks underscore the difficulty American Democrats face in acknowledging that amidst Europe’s progressive liberal landscape, Hungary stands firm as an island where we boldly declare: no war, no gender, no migration!” He emphasised their unwavering commitment to peace and family values while rejecting aggressive gender narratives and illegal migration.

Read also:


  1. “As I said before, our concern is, that Hungary has engaged an assault on Democratic Institutions and that remains a source of grave concern to us.”
    Jacob Jerimiah. Sullivan – United States of America serves, as the National Security Advisor.
    Sullivan, a Rhodes Scholar, has vastness of experience in the time he has had at his DISPOSAL in-side, the “inner sanctum” operations of the White House.
    The opening paragraph of this commentary, quoting Sullivans “response” to question(s) directed to him at the conducted White House press conference, are not “Breaking News” on the Hungarian / United States of America “doomed” relationship.
    These (26) words, they factually are but a simplified version of the growing micro-scope watch, the Biden administration are conducting rightfully on the Victor Orban led Government of Hungary.
    The Distillation of Democracy in Hungary, it is known, in the White House who “bears” this STIGMA.
    Hungary, continues as a place, a country being of complacency.
    This adapted observation the “supposed” opposition political party’s in Hungary, that need CULLING down-sizing, is mindboggling.
    The people of Hungary, a number of 9.6 million, an “ageing” society, what the Orban – Fidesz Government have “delivered” them in (11) eleven years in Power, that see’s the Economic & Financial outlook into the Future for Hungary appearing that it’s a DISASTER and will Worsen
    In amazement, just taking the period in time in the history of Hungary 1945-1989 they lived under rule of a Dictatorship, that see’s Hungary participating in, under there present Victor Orban / Fidesz Government, in a reversal trend, a “U-turn” being transformed from being recognised as a Democracy back to a Dictatorship, with growing relationships with Russia & China, that are of Government’s conducted under a Dictatorship.
    It ASTOUNDS me.
    Hungarians appear not at all concerned with the rapidness, the decline of relationships with the United States of America.
    My opinion is, using the following quote as an example, what the Orban Government continues on with, the Hungarian / Fidesz Government in its BLITZ – the condemning of the United States of America is :
    ” I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
    Could this be the LEGACY left to Hungary, by Victor Orban and his Fidesz Government ?

  2. Don’t worry Fidesz supporters. I am sure Vladimir Putin will offer concrete assurances that Hungary is a democratic country with rule of law just as Russia is.

  3. Larry, that’s a WORRY.
    Why have we become so GULLABLE ?
    Why are we just turning a Blind eye to all the destruction that just keeps being told, we should be able to see with our own eyes, the WRECKAGE growing through the “ways” the practices of the Orban / Fidesz Government of Hungary ?

  4. If those gangsters are lambasting us, then we must be doing something right! It’s pretty much a badge of honor to be censured by the current administration of sh..kickers in D.C.

  5. Distillation of Democracy and Larry, may I suggest once more that you review the definition of democracy. PM. Orban is a democratically elected official.

    In the US the Justice system is politicized. If your opponent is ahead, take them to court just prior to the election.

    Oral sex is taught in kindergarten while minors are free to be treated by hormones without parental notification.

    Women are not respected. Globalists want women to abort babies so that the females can stay in the labor force. Trans males can participate in women’s sports, walk around naked in women’s locker rooms or community centers where young girls change.

    Uneducated criminal illegal aliens are allowed, when they murder women or molest children, sanctuary states protect them from deportation; most of the time Soros supported DS’s free them.

    The worst part of American election is that a voter does not have to show an I.D. that allows any illegals to take the place of legitimate voter. Since election results cannot be trusted, the US cannot be called a true democracy.

  6. mariavontheresa – The narrow mindedness of your reply(s) to commentaries, that overall highlight the non practice of Democracy, movement on-going away, replacing it with a Dictatorship regime, by the Orban / Fidesz Government of Hungary, continues to highlight your naiveness to fully understand and comprehend, the DESTRUCTION being imposed forced on the citizens of Hungary.
    It surprises, that in all the accolades you ‘Gift” out to the Orban / Fidesz Government of Hungary, you don’t make a commentary to say, that the Quality of Life – the “needs” of day to day living, of Hungarians is WRONGFULLY placed as the second lowest, across the board of the 27 Member Country’s of the European Union ???
    Number 26 of 27 – what an achievement by the Orban / Fidesz Government over 11 plus years in Government, being there second attempt of making change, moving Hungary into the 21st century, by being a Democracy.
    Hungary – the massive growing of Social Inequality in this country, statistically, could be said likened to what we endured suffered post 1945.
    The population of Hungary continues through the Orban / Fidesz – Philosophy or Ideology, to “Crush” the middle to lower class of the “ageing” lessening in number Hungarian population.
    Orban / Fidesz, can NEVER establish build nor create a MIDDLE class in Hungarian Society.
    Predominantly there “Bleeding” taking out the FAT of the Hungarian Economy, know as profitability disbursing it out and amongst the OLIGARCHY.
    mariavontheresa – – your “Partner” from the same “school of thought” you come, fellow commentator Steiner Michael, using the term – “Gangsters” – is that not in the behavioural hard line pattern enforced used in Hungary, under the Orban / Fidesz Government of Hungary ???
    Orban – laughable you say elected Democratically, that just his CV on times he has been and judged being guilty of Lies involved in practices not in line to Laws of Membership, under Compliance, the Humiliation of N.A.T.O. – the “pie in his face” of Turkey voting for Sweden’s membership of N.A.T.O. which is just part of WHY – we under Victor Orban are being CRUSHED as a country, witnessing living in the cataclysmic REMOVAL – of the the Heart & Soul of our country.
    Orban – the “U-turn” first heard 1989 from his MOUTH his PREACHING that Democracy was our Freedom, our Liberty, our Independence, cast our votes for whom we support, the “lifting” removal of the ways of living our lives under Communistic Laws, that we are FREE FREE FREE – lets embrace it, for it – DEMOCRACY is our FUTURE.
    The “U-turn” – the systematic removal, the distillation, the destruction of core fundamentals that are the CREEDS of Democracy, he, Victor Orban has CHANGED his Colour.
    The Global World, no greater than that right at this time the Hungary / United States “relationship” – that sooner than later the United States of America will SANCTION the Hungarian Government under Victor Orban, causing greater pressurization on Hungary, it’s already in existence capitulating Economy and “doomed” currency, is best termed, as the growing fact – of the rapidly increasing gargantuan – ANGST – rightfully of country’s – directed at Orban / Fidesz – the Government of Hungary – that are Governed under
    Has Victor Orban in 11 years IMPROVED within the Core, the Heart and the Soul – of Hungary ???

  7. Even the NYT seems compelled to indirectly support Trump, GOP, Murdoch-Fox vs. Biden Dems by taking the pro-Putin FM Szijjártó opinions seriously?

  8. The behavior of the White House, EU, remind one of the bully in a schoolyard. Nothing democratic about it, nor “rule of law”, hence, they have no right to criticize others. Regarding David Pressman, he is just a mouthpiece, his term will expire.
    No country should put up with this kind of “diplomacy”… Should be most concerned.

  9. Biden has the nerve to criticize democracy in Hungary when he tries to imprison his opponent. What a two-faced senile dotard. Trump will wipe the floor with him and his handlers. Orbán and most Magyars will cheer the spectacle.

  10. What Distillation of Democracy says, in my view, is just a huge word salad. From where I look upon the world events I keep asking, what multi billiionaire politicians get to decide the exact terms of what is democracy in the eyes of other countries. Who gets to dictate what is a level of existance and lifestyle or level of success in other countries. For instance, where I live we rarely eat out, go to the theatre or even travel to distant places more often than a couple of times in our lifetime, except when people, mostly men, have to leave their families for employment across the country or to the US. BUT people in Hungary seem to be at all types of entertainment locations with tables full of food, booze, packs of smokes on a regular basis. And travel extensively during their many lenghty holidays from the workplace. THAT is above middle class by my estimation.

    Many parts of the US are garbage dumps of badly behaving people, worse than wild animals. They get purchased for votes by the establishment which pays immoral women to have babies by men that have no intention of supporting those children or women. They enjoy ‘democracy’ as long as they vote correctly for The Man who will keep sending the monthly payments.

    I have seen with my own eyes books for very young children which show a bent over naked little boy as anal sex is explained to the children for ‘inclusive way of thinking and behaving’. Parents do not know this stuff early on. By the time they find out such teaching materials are being used, millions of primary shcool children have been taught things that parents would not condone. That is a form of democracy that is highly supported by the very wealthy, whom we have seen in court reports and their own private vedios of such behaviour that makes one cringe with disgust.

    Don’t count on the US to be a world power in the future. Hungary needs to allign itself with those which will be. When Hungarians are working 70 and more hours each week and still ‘don’t feel that they have a good life due to not enough food to eat 3 meals a day, then they can have something to complain about. Meanwhile, they seem to be celebrating something on a bi-weely basis with luxuries spread out on their tables. I,m not seeing thousands of photos of extremly underweight people wearing 10 yr old rags that used to be their work clothes.. Something is going on there that is working as long as people are doing their part….if they are truly unhappy, the Magyar know how to overthrow governments.

  11. Ilona, Michael Steiner, Freedomofspeech, Mayora. it is good to know that there are people are not infected by socialism and see and tell the truth. Some of us lived and living outside the country can compare government policies and standard of living. Travelling through Europe, one meets Hungarian travelers in EU countries, even in Brazil. Many Canadians cannot afford 1 week at the beach.

    The most depressing site is the people that live on the streets, San Francico and other California cities and beaches are crowded with homeless and garbage.

    The Biden Administration opened the border. The taxpayers are forced to support criminal illegals yet their vets that protected the country and need help are forced to live on the street. That is Sullivan’s democracy.

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