The winners of the 36th Hungarian Press Photo Contest – PHOTOS
Online daily reports that altogether 247 photographers entered the 36th Hungarian Press Photo Contest with 2260 entries. The jury selected the best from 6302 photos during the pre-finals and during the finals that took place between the 26th and 28th of January 2018.
Grand Prize of MÚOSZ (Association of Hungarian Journalists):
Borsosék (The Borsos family) by Simon Móricz-Sabján
André Kertész prize for the most human centred, documentary-style photo or photo series:
A krízisautó éjszakája (The night of the dispatching car) by Márton Mónus
Escher Károly prize:
Megemlékezés (Commemoration) by Eszter Asszonyi
Special prizes:
Szezon kétezertizenhét (Season two thousand and seventeen) by Zsolt Balázs
Úgy lenyomlak ballal, hogy becsinálsz! (I’ll crush you with my left fist) by András Hajdú D.
Ceauşescu by Antal Bánhegyesy
Éjjeli menedék (Nighttime sanctuary) by Zoltán Balogh
Category prizes:
- News and events photograph (single): Megemlékezés by Eszter Asszonyi (see above)
- Photo report (series): Katalán függetlenedés (Catalonian independence) by Árpád Kurucz
- Everyday life (single): Pihenő (Resting) by István M. Kerekes
- Everyday life (series): Otthon, édes otthon (Home, sweet home) by Orsolya Ajpek
- Portrait (single): Az utolsó cigaretta… (The last cigarette) by András Földes
- Portrait (series): Ottó by László Végh
- Art (single): Szék (Chair) by Miklós Teknős
- Art (series): Nyugdíjas Ki mit tud 2017 (Pensioner’s Got Talent 2017) by János Bődey
- Sport (single): Fájdalom (Pain) by Imola Balázs
- Sport (series): Egy krumpliszállító furgonban vittem őket az első meccsre (I took them to their first match in a van that is used for potato transport) by András D. Hajdú
- Nature and science (single): Jelenés (Apparition) by Alex Rakó
- Nature and science (series): Duna delta (Danube delta) by László Végh
- Society, documentary-style (single): Csend (Silence) by László Balassa
- Society, documentary-style (series): Az Aszódi Javítóintézet (The reformatory in Aszód) by Ádám Urbán
photos: MTI
Source:, MTI