Zelenskiy to Orbán: “You have to decide for yourself who you are with” – UPDATED

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy addressed European Council members a couple of hours before. During his speech, he harshly criticised European leaders and particularly Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán. He said that Orbán has to decide who he is with because a neutral standpoint in this conflict is untenable. He also highlighted that he wanted to defeat Ukraine.

According to BBC, Zelenskiy “went through a detailed rollcall of European Council members, noting their level of support – or lack thereof – for Ukraine so far.” He praised the support of Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Italy. To French President Emanuel Macron, he said he believes he will stand for Ukrainians. Addressing Sweden, he referred to their similar flag colours. “Yellow and blue should always stand together.”

Meanwhile, he chose to hammer some nations, including Germany, Portugal, and Ireland. Zelenskiy criticised them for being late or reluctant to take measures. Moreover, he lambasted Hungary for its neutral stance.

I want to stop here and be honest. Once and for all. You have to decide for yourself who you are with,”

he said. BBC added that Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán had long been a close ally of Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Zelenskiy then called on Hungary to stop hesitating on sanctions and letting weapons through, referring to the famous Shoes on the Danube Bank memorial in Budapest – a monument to the victims of massacres by fascist, pro-Nazi forces in World War Two, blikk said.

“Look at those shoes. And you will see how mass killings can happen again in today’s world. And that’s what Russia is doing today,”

Zelenskiy said.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy reiterated two well-known demands at the latest EU summit: Hungary should allow lethal aid to cross its territory, and it should stop buying natural gas and crude oil from Russia, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Friday, adding that the government was resolute that Hungary will stay out of the war.

No weapons shipments will be allowed to cross the country, and the Hungarian people will not pay the cost of war,

the minister said on Facebook.

“We understand that for the Ukrainian president, the Ukrainian people are what is most important. But for us, the security of Hungary and the Hungarian people are what is most important. We are doing everything to ensure that Hungary stays out of the war.” The transit of weapons carried the risk of turning Hungary into a military target, and “we refuse to risk Hungarian people’s lives and security,” he added.

The minister said boycotting Russian natural gas and crude oil shipments would eat up Hungary’s energy supply, resulting in a drastic increase in utility costs, and he noted the Hungarian government’s continued opposition to broadening sanctions to include energy.

“We must stay out of this war,”

Szijjártó said.

Source: BBC, Blikk


  1. It continues to be APPARENT – that Hungary, not by the Ukraine alone, finds it-self in a WEDGED or Isolated position that is not accepted by countrys – the side, as a country – Hungary really is on – in this conflict of war between the Ukraine & Russia.
    It is KNOWN – in the right of places – the RELATIONSHIPS – that Hungary under Prime Minister – Victor Orban – have continually built and expanded on – with Russia and China.
    Citizens of Hungary – grown massive in thousands possible millions in recent years – they to KNOW – under this present Government of Hungary – the RELATIONSHP strenghts – the dependecy – that Hungary has – on Russia & China.
    The President of the Ukraine – knew this and the conflict of war he finds occuring between his country and Russia – he names and “smacks” the Prime Minister of Hungary – right between his eyes – asking the Factual question :
    ” What side Hungary – are You on ?
    The European Union massive microscope on Hungary pre the outbreak of this conflict of war, being closely watched and monitored by overall Europe – the United Kingdom and the United States of America – opinions would have been FORMED, what side Hungary, under the Leadership of Victor Orban – the “side” or game he would attempt to play, in this conflict of war.
    The relationship Hungary had pre the outbreak of this conflict of war was – STRAINED and Testing – with the Ukraine.
    Victor Orban – NATO meeting in Brussels on Thursday – he looked a Forlorn figure – isolated seeking Friendships.
    The “past” does have a Historical fact – of coming back to “haunt” you – and in it’s coming back can have NASTY ramifications – the events of the past, that ALL was never Factually known.
    Is this perceived position of Abandonment – on Hungary – is it DEEPENING ???

    April 3rd – National Voting Day – the citizens of Hungary – inter-faced with the question being BROADCAST throughout the World – what side are you on ???

    Post 1989 – the responsibility on each of the shoulders of Hungarians who vote at these up-coming elections – the vote you cast – for the FUTURE of Hungary – the form style and Political Ideas & Philosophy – of the Party you VOTE – your choice – in deciding the FUTURE of Hungary – post 1989 – NEVER, NEVER, NEVER – has there been – a National Election of IMPORTANCE – to the Future of Hungary.

    Democracy – the traditional CORE of Democracy – gives Hungarians – this RIGHT to Vote.
    WE must – let – RIGHT be Done – by the choice of party – we elect to GOVERN our Country – in the immediate Future.

  2. Kremlin meeting transcript – en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/67682 :

    Viktor Orban: I am running again and hope to win. So I have the reasonable assumption that we will cooperate with you for many years to come.

    This is a difficult time, but we are spending it in good company.

    Vladimir Putin: I agree. (Laughter.)

    I must say that these agreements through to 2036, signed last year, are primarily a result of your work. In this sense it was important not only to ensure stable supplies through to 2036, but it is also important that now Hungary is buying Russian gas at a rate five times cheaper than the market price in Europe.

    As we usually say when our partners are having elections, we will work with any elected leader. But I must note that you have done much in your work on the Russian track in both the interests of Hungary and Russia. I hope our cooperation will continue.

  3. Orban should have asked Zelensky when Ukraine will return stolen Hungarian lands that were stolen.
    And he should have asked when Zelensky will start treating the Hungarian minority with respect and stopping the harrassment of the Hungarian minority by the pro-nazi nationalists.
    It should be brought to the worlds attention that Ukraine is not so nice as Zelensky portrays itself to be. It has a lot of issues.

  4. I can tell that Spring is coming. The more rabid commentators such as the one who is claiming that Ukraine ‘stole’ land are coming out of hibernation, more’s the pity.

  5. It appears clear that Orbánistan, formerly known as Hungary, is Putin’s Trojan horse in the EU. Even worse is, the EU is still funding Orbánistan and accepting it as a member. Pure masochism.

  6. The bottom line is Ukraine is not in NATO. Ukraine is not in the EU. The US guaranteed Ukraine’s safety when Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal. It is only the US that is obligated to help Ukraine. President Biden urged Zelensky to join NATO and the EU. Zelensky fell for this, Russia found this unacceptable. Now, Ukraine is fighting a proxi war on behalf of the US. The winner is The American Military Industrial Complex.

    Hungary as well as the rest of the EU should stay out. Ukraine is not a democracy. Zelensky abolished all opposition parties. This makes Zelensky a dictator. The Ukrainian people should hold Zelensky, Biden and Putin for the deaths and destruction.

  7. Just wondering if mariavontheresa has had a knock on the head. Comments are a bit more radical of late!

  8. MVT – the UK also signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, not just the US. Facts first old chap, then comment.

  9. Then the UK as well as the US should protect Ukraine. It is unthinkable to expand the war into the rest of Europe. That is not radical.

    The cause of this melee must be examined. The problem that has started this war must be carefully studies. In the future, said problems must be solved before the onset of death and destruction.

  10. Orban is playing a dangerous game. If Putin marches into Hungary will the rest of Europe remain neutral? If Orban’s best friend turns on him, will Europe care?

  11. Just a summary how and why the war in the Ukraine, here the explanation.
    War in the Ukraine this suggested by Joe Biden, who visited Ukraine every 3 months since year 2014.
    It started after the (Obama) coup in Ukraine in year 2014 in the Donbas region, this by the hard core of ultra right-wing soldiers of Zelenskiy, the Azov guys, which received training from the Western alliance, and where so far 14000 to 20000 people died. This war backed by Western alliance, but it wasn’t just about the Ukraine, the real goal was to overthrow the Russian government, that should be the first hurdle and China after, but these plans which America and Europe had in mind doesn’t work, its even going to work against them now.

  12. Does Ukraine gets weapons from Israel? Zelensky is Jewish. Israel said no. Why He doesn’t attack Israel?

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