23rd International Energy and Innovation Forum in Visegrád was a huge success

According to globoport.hu, the professional seminar organized for the 23rd time this year – formerly known as the main energetic seminar – was a huge success again. Nearly 120 participants of 12 countries visited the event, and 10-12 students came from Esztergom and Párkány (Slovakia) every day.

Africa – the continent that can mean the future for the energy revolution – was represented by 4 countries: diplomats, experts and academics from Morocco, Guinea, Benin and Madagascar participated at the forum.

Hungarians and foreigners also gave lectures: Professor Dr. Norbert Kroó (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) and László Csernai from the University of Bergen (Norway) analyzed several current issues on the links between science and energetics.

The forum did not left out a single energy sector. The topics included nuclear energy, the situation of fusion reactor development, the correlation between shale gas and the extremely-low electricity prices, electric cars etc.

This year, local governments got more space, too. The visitors could learn the outstanding practice of Nagypáli and Bolhás in the context of renewable energy and sustainability, globoport.hu reported.

The program was closed by African dancers and singers, and finally, by belly dancers. In addition, the Suzuki car factory and the District Heating Works of Révkomárom also welcomed the guests.

According to globoport.hu, the event was sponsored by ETE and its Esztergom organization and by SUNWO Zrt., which organized the forum. The participants could fill satisfaction questionnaires after the conference, and, according to the unanimous opinion, they would like to meet in 2017 again. The date of the 24th forum will be March 23-25, 2017.

Photo: http://www.globoport.hu

Copy editor: bm

Source: http://www.globoport.hu

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