5 benefits of using Gmail for business email on own domain 

Businesses make their marks on the world by making their brand known to customers. It is no different in the case of emails, where they can serve as extensions of their respective domains. Commercial email services such as Yahoo Mail and Gmail are two of the most popular services used by people today. 

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Gmail alone currently has a user count of more than 1 billion worldwide. I will be discussing at length the benefits of being able to use the business version as part of your company, along with an exclusive domain name. 

Benefits of Using Gmail/G Suite

I’ll give you the down and dirty of web hosts and email.

Many web hosting services in the world give entrepreneurs the option to create an email address through them.

My issue with the services provided by web hosts is that they run on outdated software such as PHP 5.6 was used as far back as 2014 (there has been a lot of changes since then). 

Web hosts also tend to raise prices, which made me give pause. It’s one of the reasons why third-party email services such as Gmail, Edison Mail, Hop, Spark, and Mailbird are prevalent in today’s age. 

1. Email ownership and branding

 How do you get a business email for free? It’s simple really: me and my guys signed up with Gmail, and we were able to get the perks that came along with signing up through the service. However, you’ll need to keep in mind that there are limits to anything free. 

When people sign up with Gmail, they get a privately-owned email address, which could present potential problems further down the line.

I decided to solve this particular problem with the G Suite, as it gave me a reasonable degree of control over my business. The G Suite provides business owners like me and you the ability to retain administrative control if someone within the company leaves. 

You’ll be able to change their password immediately upon their departure. If a client attempts to communicate with you, you’ll have a frame of reference to work with based on email correspondence between your employees and the clients. It’s also a good practice to keep personal and business emails completely separate from each other. 

Having an exclusive domain tied to my business helped develop my brand to people who do not know me. This branding inspired trust between my clients and me and enabled me to repeat business with them any time they require my organization’s services. It also makes prospects curious and wants to learn more about my company.

2. Group email addresses and email migration

 When you sign up with Gmail, you’ll be given the gmail.com extension as part of your email addition. It may be fine and dandy, but to use just the free features that go along with the Gmail name screams a lack of ownership and lack of professionalism. You can configure individual emails to route over to other client service systems such as Salesforce or Zendesk.

The G Suite also makes it easier to migrate email data from your old web hosts to the G Suite. Even a completely different email system such as Yahoo Mail can migrate over to it.

3. Document sharing and collaborative functions

 Google Docs is the go-to program for uniform document management and productivity. In the case of document sharing, this made it easier for my guys to collaborate and share information via the G Suite and me. My employees were able to access the documents at any place where there’s an internet connection. 

I was also able to retain control over which iteration of the document they were working with and remove or add collaborators easily. The best part of this? Multiple users can access and edit the same document all at once.

G Suite also made it easier for my team and me to collaborate across other apps as well. Sharing calendar events, video conferencing, and numerous other functions keep my business going.

4. File ownership and reliable storage

 Through the G Suite, all Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides are solely under my company’s control. Google Drive is more or less an alternative cloud backup solution to Dropbox. I implemented a policy in which I mandated my team to back up their files to Google Drive. What I found is that it significantly improved communication and workflow across the board. 

Google Drive reduces the need to purchase external hard drive storage to retain your files. It also negates the need to manage them on-site, as your organization’s data are stored safely within confines of the cloud. 

5. Cloud storage and security

 Cloud storage capability is becoming more abundant as businesses make the transition from storing applications and data via internal networks into the cloud. The G Suite effectively doubles the amount of storage that users will be able to use on Google Drive (the default is 15GB per user). Data becomes more abundant and take up more storage space, especially if in the case of businesses like mine that have staffs, additional storage is an absolute necessity. 

Security is also paramount to keep files from being hacked or stolen. The G Suite provided me with an extra layer of protection via 2-Step Verification. This feature is necessary to keep your cloud files secure, and if your company uses Google Drive as a backup standard. I make it a point to my team that whenever they migrate data into the cloud, they never identify what piece of sensitive data is getting synced.

Through the admin console, you can either make it mandatory or optional for your team to set up 2-Step Verification for all members. 


 In closing, I explained to you five benefits of using the G Suite and assigning a unique domain name that serves as part of your brand. The G Suite is relatively inexpensive and comes with a host of features and services that will be beneficial to your organization in the long run.

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