7 Hungarian universities among the best in the world!

Seven prestigious Hungarian universities have made it onto the Round University Ranking (RUR) World University Rankings. Semmelweis, ELTE, and many rural institutions are among the best in this new ranking. Read our article below to find out more.
Categories of the RUR system
Eduline reported that 829 of the world’s leading higher education institutions were listed on the RUR World University Rankings. In total, four lists were produced from the 20 indicators the RUR examined. These include the financial sustainability, international diversity, research activities, and the professors and lecturers of each given university. Alongside these four rankings, RUR created a separate, general list. Here, you may find the rankings by indicators.
How well did Hungary do?
On the aggregated list, the top Hungarian university is Semmelweis University, ranking 259th. Following that are the Universities of Debrecen (450th) and Szeged (474th). On this list, representing Hungary, the Central European University (CEU) came in at 396th. Several other esteemed and well-respected institutions made it as well, such as ELTE, as well as the Universities of Pécs and Sopron.
On the list ranking academic excellence, Semmelweis took the 71st spot, but the Universities of Szeged, Pécs, and Sopron all made it into the top 300.
CEU landed in 38th place on the list ranking international diversity, while other Hungarian universities only made it between 300th and 700th places. CEU also did the best in the research rankings, making it to the 375th place. The University of Debrecen scored 575th, above all other Hungarian institutes, regarding financial sustainability.
From the Rector’s Commissioner for Rankings at the Unversity of Debrecen: “Our university is still at the national forefront considering the rankings. Faculty benchmarking could substantially improve the educational potential of the institution. These processes are in development and adaptation right now. With it, we can achieve an upward trajectory in the rankings,” quoted from Debreceni Egyetem Hírek.
Source: Eduline.hu, hirek.unideb.hu
259th? 359th? 474th? Jeez, I am not going to study there. Thanks for warning us. We won’t be going to somewhere is that is not that great.
Not surpricing, since Mr G.S aren’t allowed to ruin them any more.
Sorts should have been poisoned 40 years ago. The world has not seen such an evil basterd since Hitler.
Soros should have been poisoned 40 years ago.
The world has not seen such an evil basterd since Hitler.
Source: dailynewshungary.com https://dailynewshungary.com/7-hungarian-universities-on-new-world-rankings/#comment-215917