Ancient “mass grave” discovered in Hungary

The traces of a new mass grave were discovered by the experts of Móra Ferenc Museum in the area of a sand mine. The tracks were noticed during an excavation related to the construction of a bypass road around Hódmezővásárhely.

“The remains of eleven people from the 8th century BC were unraveled in a steep hollow,” according to the statement of the museum.

According to, they examined the traces of the layers and determined that the remains were buried in different states of decomposition at the same time, approximately 2800 years ago. According to the statement, the object in Kopáncs cannot be considered as a mass grave from archaeological perspective because of the different dates of deaths.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Gergely Kelemen

“All the signs show that they did not perish because of war or epidemics. A special burial rite might be the reason, during which the individually buried corpses were reburied in a certain occasion together,” chief archaeologist of Móra Ferenc Museum Dániel Pópity explained. This idea is supported by the fact that, though this 30,000 square meters large territory is full of rich archaeological relics, no similar graves have been found so far.

In the grave, which is situated in one of the highest spots in the area, no metal objects have been found, only ceramic fragments that helped determining the age of the relics. Anthropologist Dr László Paja analyzed the human bones. The analysis showed that men, women and children can all be found among the remains.

Photo: MTI

Ce: bm


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