Hungarian government protests Amnesty International ‘campaign for Ahmed H’
The parliamentary spokesman of the co-ruling Christian Democrats on Friday voiced indignation at press reports suggesting that Amnesty International, “a part of the Soros network”, was preparing to “launch a global campaign for Ahmed H”, a Syrian man earlier sentenced in Hungary for his participation in a migrant riot at Hungary’s southern border in 2015.
Nacsa insisted that
“Soros‘s organisations not only help migrants enter but continue supporting them even if they commit serious crimes”
and added that Ahmed H, who is currently awaiting expulsion from Hungary, is “simply a terrorist” who “still poses a risk to Hungarians’ security”.
Answering a question, Nacsa said that MEPs of the ruling parties had declined to support a Council of Europe (CoE) decision to launch a probe into the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, because “the case would be used to attack Malta, an EU member, and question its rule of law”.
The CoE decided on Wednesday to launch an investigation in the 2017 car bombing which killed Caruana Galizia, who had been looking into graft associated with the Maltese government.
Source: MTI