Survey: Majority of Hungarians want to ban ‘pro-migration NGOs’

Fully 61 percent of Hungarians want pro-migration NGOs to be banned, according to a survey by the Századvég Foundation released on Friday.

Fully 59 percent of respondents said the activities of NGOs that help migrants were harmful, while 30 percent considered them useful.

Altogether 70 percent of Századvég’s sample said the government should take tougher action against people smugglers.

eu flag hungary
Read alsoHungarian law requiring NGOs to disclose foreign funding incompatible with EU law

The survey also indicated general support for transit zones, with 86 percent of respondents regarding them as vital to the country’s security, while 10 percent wanted them abolished.

“Hungarian voters do not sympathise with the activities of NGOs tied to [US financier] George Soros,” Századveg said, adding that such activities could lead to a weakening of Hungarian border protection and the encouragement of illegal migration.

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. NGOs and other “do gooders” are behind the flouting of US laws and regulations by encouraging, supporting and facilitating the flood of illegal immigrants from Central America through Mexico and paying the cartels and other malefactors to smuggle them across the border or to try to enter legally with bogus identifications, claiming children who are not their children (per DNA tests, often “buying the children” to support their claim). As of this comment the news is that the US will be confronting another major caravan of thousands heading through Mexico to the US borders but with the change being no more complicity of the Mexican government due to President Trump’s recent trade negotiations and other “carrots” to Mexican government.

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