Hungary helps out the Czech Republic by donating vaccines

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán today coordinated with the interior ministry on Hungary’s vaccination plan, the PM’s press chief told MTI on Saturday.

In a video posted after the meeting, Orbán said every vaccination can save lives, and he expressed his appreciation to GPs, hospital doctors and nurses for working throughout the Easter holidays to implement the vaccination campaign.

Whoever gets a call, should make sure they go to get inoculated, he said, adding that 2,235,731 first shorts have been administered in Hungary so far.

“We’ll be vaccinating another 83,000 people today,” the prime minister said.

Sándor Pintér, the interior minister, Antal Rogán, the cabinet chief, state secretaries István György and Csaba Latorcai, as well as János Balogh, the national police chief and Zoltán Jenei, the Director General of the national hospitals, attended the meeting.

In the meanwhile, Hungary is also aiming to help other countries with their vaccination. Hungary has agreed to donate 40,000 vaccines to the Czech Republic in the first half of May, the foreign minister said on Saturday, adding that Hungary would have enough vaccines for everyone by then.

“The Czech Republic is [among other countries] in a tough situation due to the European Commission’s defective vaccine procurements,” Péter Szijjártó said on Facebook, adding that

thanks to the government’s timely procurement of large quantities of Eastern vaccines in addition to European Union procurements, “we are at the forefront of vaccinations” per capita in the bloc.

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Read alsoHungary helps out the Czech Republic by donating vaccines

Source: MTI

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