European Court of Justice rules against Hungary: the Sargentini report is valid!

The Court of Justice of the European Union dismissed on Thursday Hungary’s action against a European Parliament resolution triggering an Article 7 procedure.

In September 2018, the EP adopted a resolution to determine, pursuant to Article 7, the existence of a clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values on which the EU is founded.

Taking the view that, when calculating the votes cast, the EP should have taken account of abstentions, Hungary brought action for the annulment of that resolution.

The CJEU has ruled that MEPs’ abstentions do not have to be counted in order to determine the two-third majority of the votes cast.

The court said the term “votes cast” does not include abstentions which are, by definition, a refusal to cast a vote. Therefore, excluding them from the vote count is in line with democratic principles, and with the principle of equal treatment, “in the light, in particular, of the fact that the MEPs who abstained on the occasion of the vote acted with full knowledge of the facts, since they had been informed in advance that abstentions would not be counted as votes cast,” the court said in a press release.

Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga called the decision “completely unacceptable and shocking” in a Facebook post.

“In our view, the vote was not only contrary to EU Treaties, but also to the European Parliament’s own Rules of Procedure,” Varga said.

Had the EP included abstentions into the votes counted, the two-thirds majority required to adopt the “politically biased” Sargentini report at the root of the Article 7 procedure would not have been reached, Varga said.

“As we all know, abstention means a tacit disagreement … the conscious political will of MEPs … Otherwise, they wouldn’t even go to the polls,” Varga insisted.

“And still, we are the ones who are held accountable for adhering to common values and rules? Come on!” Varga said.

She noted, at the same time, that the ruling has no bearing on the contents of the Sargentini report. “The report’s accusations have been refuted by the Hungarian Government on several occasions, both professionally and in principle,” Varga said.

“As before, in the spirit of loyal co-operation, Hungary is ready for a dialogue on issues related to rule of law. However, we will keep rejecting politically motivated witch hunts,” Varga said.

sargentini report hungary
Read alsoGovernment official: Sargentini ‘is attacking Hungary again’


  1. The E.U. was NEVER founded to be a political union dominated by left-wing loonies who worship sexual deviants or illegal MUSLIM migrants.

    Its primary function was to assist trade between certain nations in Europe, which had been totally devastated by the German-initiated Second World War.

    Yet over the past decade or so, an ugly scenario has developed whereby followers of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin have become the dominant force directing ‘European policy initiatives’ from a third-rate little town called Brussels.

    These same Communist fanatics are now literally FORCING independent, sovereign nations (which for whatever reason became ‘members’ of the E.U.) to accept such crazy notions – OR ELSE !

    From recognising the so-called ‘rights’ of sexual deviants (? such as Sargentini herself) to accepting without any complaint entry into Europe of literally millions illegal MUSLIM migrants, many E.U. nations are being dictated to by organisations – the European Commission supported by its puppet, the European Parliament – which make “The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet” pale into insignificance.

    All of which begs the question : “What so-called ‘values’ does the European Union actually possess ?”

    TRADE – yes but on extremely unfair terms (France and Germany must ALWAYS ‘come first’ !).
    FREEDOM OF RELIGION – to a certain extent but some religions (especially ISLAM) are worshipped in Brussels more than others (especially JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY, on which modern Europe is based).
    MINORITY RIGHTS – forget it, the European Commission has NO TIME WHATSOEVER for such things unless those minorities are SEXUAL DEVIANTS (‘poofy-woofies’ and ‘licky-lickies’ of the world unite in Brussels !).
    RECOGNITION OF SOVEREIGN RIGHTS – never, because it interferes with the ‘grand plan’ of George Soros and his Brussels-based ‘brown tongues’.
    TRANSPARENCY – a totally abhorrent concept in Brussels since it prevents manipulation / corruption by so-called E.U. Commissioners (a big hello here to Stella – “Four million EUROS will be acceptable as an initial down-payment” Kyriakides) who are more than happy to accept bribes from multinational corporations and / or individuals.
    RULE OF LAW – what a total joke that catch-all term has become ! Exactly whose ‘rule of law’ does it mean ? Islamic Law for the ILLEGAL MIGRANTS ? Pornographic Law for the SEXUAL DEVIANTS ?
    Sovereign Law for INDEPENDENT NATIONS ? So-called ‘E.U. LAW’ which is ‘created on the run’ by incompetent bureaucrats and upheld by failed lawyers presiding over so-called ‘Courts’ ?

    Let’s all be honest, folks.

    The European Union is a total failure – like Hungary’s ‘sausage coalition’ – and the sooner it is ‘flushed down the toilet’ the better it will be for everyone (except filthy creatures like “MARIO” and “ANONYMOUS” which infest sewers throughout Europe).

  2. One of the significant reasons UK voted for Brexit was the widespread hatred of the European Court of Justice in UK.
    It is NOT a “proper” court, it is a political body always supporting the political agenda of EU disguised as a “Court”

    Here it is again bending over to pressure from EU. Important decisions are subject to the two thirds rule in many countries and in many bodies. Its OBVIOUS to anyone that this report did not get the support of two thirds of MEP’s.
    I notice also that your paper is not mentioning the talk in other Left wing press of the plans to scrap the Fundamental Law of 2011 without a two thirds majority if Orban loses power in 2022.
    And nobody yet in EU has condemned this as a “rule of law” violation!

  3. Excuse me but when speaking of “sexual deviants or illegal MUSLIM migrants”, you are I assume referring to the good Magyar hoards who invaded Europe from the Asian Steppes and now slide down drainage pipes in Brussels to escape the police or abandon ambassadorships in Peru and Thailand? Just checking to understand proper behavior.

  4. We must all pity those insignificant mental delinquents who write comments to “DAILY NEWS HUNGARY” whilst HIDING BEHIND another contributor’s ‘user name’.

    Some pathetic little fool submitted a comment earlier today in the name of “AlfredE.Neumann”.

    He / she / it did so with full understanding that “AlfredE.Neuman” would never write the UTTER NONSENSE that this despicable individual submitted in the name of “AlfredE.Neumann”.

    As Oscar Wilde wrote, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

    For the record, there is NO COMPARISON WHATSOEVER between the a..e- / c..t-lickers of Brussels (WORSHIPPED by the European Commission / Parliament) and a few misguided (ex-Fidesz) sods who have now ‘paid the penalty’ for deviating from acceptable sexual behaviour.

    The individuals concerned will spend their remaining days on Earth living in a continual state of Hell.

    As to the Magyars who inhabited Hungary over a thousand years ago, none of these were followers of that destructive religion whose adherents worship several times each day to a ‘false deity’ and his so-called ‘prophet’ (instead of working productively for the entire community).

    The ILLEGAL MUSLIM MIGRANTS now invading Europe – assisted by delirious fools in Brussels and their idiotic political masters (with less intelligence combined than a flea drenched with insect spray) – are an absolute CURSE on modern Europe and the entire Western World.

    Denmark has just passed legislation REFUSING to accept any more ‘asylum requests’ from ILLEGAL MUSLIM MIGRANTS unless those are made outside its borders and IF ‘asylum’ is actually granted, then it will be OUTSIDE of Denmark.

    France, Germany, the Netherlands and other E.U. nations will soon REFUSE to accept ‘secondary’ asylum requests from ILLEGAL MUSLIM MIGRANTS, as evidenced by a letter recently written by them to the Greek Government.

    The so-called ‘sausage coalition’ in Hungary – no doubt most of whom are supporters of ILLEGAL MUSLIM MIGRATION – will get such a ‘kick in the combined arse’ at next year’s Hungarian elections that many of those opposition politicians will have to find employment as street cleaners (since most jobs in the Budapest Municipal Council have already been filled by Gyurcsany’s ‘brown tongues’).

    All of this has come about because of ‘edicts’ continually coming from Brussels which INSIST that E.U. nations must accept ILLEGAL MUSLIM MIGRANTS, no matter the costs involved in terms of demographic / educational / long-term employment / financial / housing / national identity / security / social matters (and a host of others).

    The European Union’s days are numbered and the countdown to its total disintegration has already started.

    With any luck, we will soon witness a truly momentous event when “BERLAYMONT” is converted to
    housing for the ILLEGAL MUSLIM MIGRANTS which the European Commission / Parliament has so fervently desired and assisted to invade Europe.

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