BREAKING: Former Hungarian President passed away!

László Sólyom, the president of Hungary between 2005-2010, and the first president of the Constitutional Court, died on Sunday, his secretariat told MTI.
Sólyom died “after a long illness which he bore with great strength, activity and serenity,” the secretariat said in a statement. “May God rest László Sólyom in peace,” President Katalin Novák said in a statement. László Sólyom was an internationally recognised lawyer who as first president of the Constitutional Court had a decisive role in the regime change, and in the establishment of democracy and the constitutional framework that defines our lives, Novák said.
“I am grateful that he shared his experiences with me,” she said. Novák said that the national flag was lowered to half-mast at the presidential Sándor Palace in Sólyom’s memory.
Laszlo Solyom was in attendance – Hero’s Square August 1989.
The wall had fallen.
He sat, no doubt listening intently, as the present Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban, took to the stage, to speak to all of Hungary, to Europe and the Global world, in somewhat likened oral presentation that resembled a Pontifical address, that the FUTURE of Hungary, must be – we must fellow citizens of Hungary embrace that we are a DEMOCRACY governed under DEMOCRACY.
Laszlo Solyom, the Legacy he left Hungary, the role, a Major role, in the transformation, from the dark days post 1944 circa through to the end of communistic rule and governance in Hungary, to living being Hungary a DEMOCRACY.
He was controversial in fact, not always in favour with many, quite revolutionary forward future thinking in numbers of ways in his Philosophies or Ideology on life, but in the “inner” deepness – his core of being, remained a creed in him that he advocated – was that Hungary, our Future was as a DEMOCRACY.
What has Victor Orban created Hungary into being in the 14 plus years, his “second coming” as Prime Minister of Hungary ?
What happened to the – and History NEVER Lies speech – the message word usage in his August 1989 – Hero’s Square, the time at the micro-phone speaking to ALL of Hungary, and Europe and the Global World ?
What’s happened to DEMOCRACY under Victor Orban in Hungary ???
In my opinion, the late President of Hungary, a learned and gifted intellectual – Laszlo Solyom – would be humiliated, crestfallen – at what Victor Orban and his Government, have taken Hungary to in October 2023.
It will worsen, through the eradication on-going of DEMOCRACY.
The current President of Hungary – Katalin Novak comments on the passing of the former President, ” the decisive role in a regime change, and in the establishment of DEMOCRACY and the constitutional framework that defines our lives.”
Novak – “inner sanctum” Fidesz – that in her role plays a FEED agenda into the dismantling on-going of DEMOCRACY in Hungary.
Novaks words as we KNOW of Orban muchly viewed as Hypocritical lacking fact and “veiling” what we know of the change politically occurring in Hungary, that we no longer are a DEMOCRACY.
Laszlo Solyom – May he Rest in Peace and Happiness in the House of the Lord.