Breakthrough: Hungarian invention saves the planet from plastic waste

There has been a breakthrough in the attempts of reducing plastic waste. The twist is that the inventor of the new kind of material is Hungarian. The material, called “DAT1”, was invented by Hungarian man Péter Lajter. Now, his company has all possible Hungarian and EU certifications to replace the highly polluting plastics used in everyday life.

“There are so many materials on the market that are said to be degradable, but there is always some non-natural material left over. However, products made from DAT1 degrade quickly and without any residues,”

said Péter Lajter, the founder of Degraway Technologies to

Plastic pollution as a global problem

The huge problem of plastic pollution probably needs no introduction. One of the biggest problems in the environment is plastic waste: how people do not have attempts to use less, and how they do not recycle it. Even in countries in which recycling is a mandatory, citizens are often negligent about the fact that which container they should put their various types of garbage. A Hungarian, no matter where he is in the world, always has a bag full of bags. This is where this revolutionary idea of inventing this material comes in.

Plastic shopping bag waste
Photo: Facebook/Lifetilt

The items they make from this material are completely degradable within a few weeks of being in the trashbin. There were already degradable materials, but there is no such thing as a material that comes without microplastic waste. The raw material we produce contains not the slightest amount of petroleum derivatives or any other plastic compounds, apart from being entirely organic.

Practically any area can apply the material: industry, agriculture, healthcare and many others. Companies can use it for everything from plastic cutlery, shopping bags, shower gel bottle to coffee capsules. The list of the plastic items to be replaced by the new material is endless.

plastic, waste, Hungary
Photo: Facebook

“We can now say that our material has become suitable for industrial use. Having the certificates, including certification by the German TÜV, we have developed the production technology, designed and manufactured a number of tools. We are preparing for the industrial launch,” said inventor Péter Lajter. The inventor’s idea revolutionises mass production not just in Hungary, but worldwide.

Earlier Hungarian inventions

Hungarian inventions have made our lives considerably easier. The country has given many great scientists, philosophers, and inventors to the world, such as László Bíró who invented ballpoint pen. Tivadar Puskás’s name is associated with the telephone exchange. Oszkár Asbóth contributed to the basis of today’s helicopters but there are many others who invented, developed or contributed to the tools we still use today.

As we wrote earlier, the introduction of World Science Day was initiated by the Hungarian members during the first UNESCO World Conference on Science held in 1999 in Budapest at which world’s governments and the international scientific community gathered together. Hungarian developments have not stopped even today. In 2021, a new, advanced Hungarian invention revolutionised also the drone industry.


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