British PM receives drawing by Szekler girl for Christmas

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and other politicians in the British Parliament received a postcard made from the drawing of the daughter of a Szekler couple living in England, as a Christmas greeting card, Székelyhon reported.

Szekler girl’s drawing on postcards in British Parliament

According to Székelyhon, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and other politicians received a postcard made by the daughter of a Szekler couple living in England, as a Christmas card in the British Parliament. The seven-year-old girl won first prize in a drawing competition organised by Lucy Frazer, Member of the British Parliament, to find the best drawing to decorate her Christmas card this year.

As the news portal writes, Csaba Babos from Kézdivásárhely and Enikő Babos from Csíkszereda have been living in England for thirteen years. Their daughter and son were born in England. According to the mother, they do their best to teach them the Hungarian language, to make them know that they are Hungarians and, above all, that they are Szeklers.

The Christmas Card Competition by Lucy Frazer

For the ninth year running, Lucy Frazer, MP for Cambridgeshire South East and a member of the Conservative Party, has launched the Christmas Card Competition in the county, inviting designs from children aged 4-11. The winner of this year’s drawing competition is Hanga Babos.

We’re so proud of her, and the school, and the headmistress of the school, are so proud of her, it’s indescribable,

the mother said, adding that they were present when Lucy Frazer went to the school to award Hanga. She added that they were also proud that the postcard from Lucy Frazer to the British Prime Minister and many other politicians in Parliament was drawn by their daughter.

An all-around talented little girl

“Hanga loves to draw, not a day goes by that she doesn’t draw. She first outlined the winning drawing with pencil, then used watercolour, glued the bicycle on separately, and finally decorated the whole creation with glitter powder,” Enikő Babos explained. This is not the first time their daughter has shown her talent: she already knew the Szekler anthem at the age of two, and a short video of her singing it had circulated the web.

The little girl also loves snow. According to her mother, it might be because it is “in her blood”, as she herself also loves snow: her best experiences as a child were sledging and hiking on the Harghita Mountains. As she said, they are thinking of returning home.

You can check out the drawing and Rishi Sunak holding the postcard HERE!

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